How does change the Fed response to economic shocks

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM131833219

Question: Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz argued in the last chapter of their Monetary History of the United States that a shift in money growth will usually cause velocity to shift in the same direction: So higher money growth causes optimism, and slower growth causes pessimism. They believed that velocity had its own shocks, as well. a. Let's run through some examples of how this might work, in a setting where the Fed wants to keep AD growth stable at 10%. To keep things simple, we'll just assume that the Fed can control money growth perfectly, and we'll assume that a 1% change in money growth causes a 0.5% shock to velocity growth in the same direction. Fill in the table.

In each case, AD = Initial velocity shock + Money growth + Velocity shock caused by money growth.


b. If velocity does tend to move in the direction of money growth, how does this change the Fed's response to economic shocks: Should it take bigger moves or smaller moves in money growth when a shock comes along?

Reference no: EM131833219

Questions Cloud

Discuss the different type of shock : Central banks and voters alike usually want higher real growth and lower inflation. What kind of shock makes that happen?
What are the variables and how are they measured : Identify potential internal and external validity issues in the conclusions drawn by the author(s).What are the variables and how are they measured?
How to prevent the bad outcome in the first place : The Fed plays an important role in maintaining market confidence. As former Chairman Alan Greenspan put it in a 1997 address.
Demonstrate the audit of the specific privileges : SDEV 350 Homework - Auditing Oracle DB Objects. Create test scenarios that will demonstrate the audit of the specific privileges is taking place
How does change the Fed response to economic shocks : If velocity does tend to move in the direction of money growth, how does this change the Fed's response to economic shocks: Should it take bigger moves.
Determining the effect of both inflation and real growth : We saw that real shocks and AD shocks often occur simultaneously. When this happens, unless we know the exact size of each shock.
What will the velocity shock do to real growth : One argument for giving discretion to central bankers is that sometimes emergencies come along that a simple rule can't solve.
How fast the money supply should grow : Practice with the best case: You are the central banker, and you have to decide how fast the money supply should grow. Your economy gets hit by the following.
In which cases should Federal Reserve change money growth : Milton Friedman famously said that changes in money growth affect the economy with "long and variable lags." That means that if the government increases growth.


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