How does augustine develop his argument

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Reference no: EM131117089

Philosophy Essay Questions

Answer 150 words for each Question Using the book The Ethics of War: Classic and Contemporary Readings

1. In the introductory comments we discussed the idea of war in general. Specifically, define the following terms, and some of their components, as found in the just war theory: jus ad bellum; jus in bello; and jus post bellum, as they relate to the concept of ethics in war.

2. Again, in the introduction to the course, we discussed (perhaps briefly), three traditions that dominate the ethics of war and peace. These are as follows: a) Realism, b) Pacifism, and c) Just War Theory. Describe these traditions.

3. The early Greek historian, Thucydides (1), was the first Western writer to connect ethics and war. Illustrate this connection as he developed it in his History of the Peloponnesian War. Did he make direct and explicit connections? Elaborate.

4. Plato (2) wrote about war in Greek Life. Specifically, he wrote "The recurring point in Plato's dialogues is that war should not be considered apart from justice." Support this statement.

5. Aristotle (3) in Politics (Book I) discusses two kinds of slavery - "natural slavery" and "slavery by convention". How does he relate these kinds of slavery to the idea of just vs. unjust war? Develop your discussion.

6. Augustine (7) writes about war. One of the headings under which some excerpts are organized is the one that deals with the use of "force in the service of religion." How does Augustine develop his argument?

7. Gratian (10), in Questions IV and V, addresses the issue of "the legitimacy for Christians of exerting punishment..." Even though the discussion deals with concepts of retribution and jurisdiction as they (and others) apply to more personal issues, they can be applied to the issue of war. Elaborate on this.

8. In n.7., "The pope may grant indulgences ..., even though the Saracens occupy it." How does Innocent lay the base for this statement and how does he justify the statement.

(Pope Innocent IV; nn 1-4, 7-10).

Reference no: EM131117089

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