Reference no: EM131401747
Watch the following video and then answer the following questions:
1) Give three examples the young men experienced culture shock.
2) How does applying cultural relativism apply here?
3) How is this video a good example of norms of culture and how we take them for granted?
4) Given an example of when you have experienced culture shock (it doesn't have to involve traveling). (250 words)
Then, reply student A post with three sentences.
Student A:
In this video the young men experienced cultural shock when they moved to the US in the areas of social relations, religious figures, and day to day technologies that we are all familiar with. They young men exported that people in America were much less friendly than people back, and did not understand why it is odd in America to go to a strangers house to find out where they were. As we know this is a norm for us; we keep our doors locked and are suspicious of strangers because we have grown to be cautious of those we are unfamiliar with. Their confusion with how Santa fits in with Christianity is something that most of us would giggle at if they asked us because we have grown with Santa as part of our culture, where they have not. Furthermore, things like food or the use electricity was an adjustment for them. Cultural relativism can be applied with these young men because, as they mentioned in the video, they have so many questions and just want to understand why things are the way that they are. This learning curve is rather difficult because the two cultures are so differently in both the material and non material cultures. This video is a good example of displaying the cultural norms of the US, and how people from other cultures find it difficult to adapt to, specifically for these young men. As mentioned earlier, the social norm of being weary of strangers proved to be a challenge in adapting to for them. Other norms like the way we eat is something that many of us take granted because there is such a plethora of options. We may not appreciate that as much as someone from a culture where food is scarce. Last spring I studied abroad in England, and while many things were similar my biggest adjustment was getting used to primarily using public transportation to get to where I needed to be.