How does a web service differ from a web application

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131312875


1. How does a web service differ from a web application?

2. What are the steps involved in defining and using a web service?

3. What are the elements of the web services software stack and what is the purpose of each?

4. What is a service-oriented architecture? What are the benefits of SOA?

5. What is well-formedness and validity in the context of XML? How do they differ? Is every well-formed document valid? Why? Is every valid document well-formed? Why?

6. What is XSLT? How can it be used in web development?

7. Imagine that you are asked to provide advice on implementing web services for a site. Discuss the merits and drawbacks of SOAP- and REST-based web services and for XML versus JSON as a REST data format.

8. Define an XML Schema equivalent to the XML DTD. Compare the two.

9. Are there constraints that can be expressed using XML Schema but not DTD? Provide examples.

Reference no: EM131312875

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