How do you view public physical contact

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133396446

Questions: Answer the following questions about your background. Think about your family, friends, connections, interests, likes and dislikes, goals, beliefs, and values.

  • definition of "culture?"
  • Who holds the most "status" in your family? Why? Are the roles of men and women specifically defined in your family? If so, what are they?
  • Define success? Why?
  • How important education is? Why?
  • Did you ever live with your grandparents or extended family? How did the experience of having or not having your grandparents live with you impact your life?
  • How important is religion for you? Why?
  • Have you ever felt excluded based on an aspect of your culture? Provide an explanation.
  • How do you view public physical contact? Why?
  • What do you consider to be a disrespectful act? Do you think this act would be considered disrespectful universally (in all cultures)? Why or why not? (Review the Culture lesson from Class 2: Introduction to Culture)
  • Are you a collectivist or an individualist, or a little of both? Why? (Review the Culture lesson from Class 3.)
  • Are you from a high context or low context culture? How do you know? (Review the Culture lesson from Class 4.)
  • How are people in positions of power treated in your culture? For instance, do authority figures (such as bosses or teachers) prefer to be called by their first name? Are they accessible (easy to contact)? Do they connect or socialize with their subordinants? What do you think are reasons for this? (Review the Culture lesson from Class 5.)
  • After reviewing your personal cultural, do you think adjusting to a new culture would be easy or difficult for you or someone from your culture? Provide reasons for your answers based on the Culture lesson from Class 6.)
  • Compare your personal culture to your national culture (NOT to the Canadian culture). Remember, in this class we make a distinction between our personal culture (our beliefs and values that regulate our own actions) and our national culture (a set of beliefs and values common to a group). What are some key similarities and differences?


Reference no: EM133396446

Questions Cloud

How is this identity relational and socially constructed : How is this identity relational and socially constructed through communication? Give at least three examples of E what people say to you, expect of you
How does the evidence support your reflections or your claim : How does the evidence support your reflections or your claim? Will the evidence be interesting or persuasive to your audience? Does the evidence fit logically
How do clothing retailers that sell made-in-asia clothing : How do clothing retailers that sell made-in-Asia clothing get around being held accountable for business ethics? How do you and I get around being held
Explain your specific combination of listening styles : Explain your specific combination of listening styles. How should a speaker adapt an audience member like you? Did you see the speaker in the video attempting
How do you view public physical contact : Who holds the most "status" in your family? Why? Are the roles of men and women specifically defined in your family? If so, what are they? Define success? Why?
Identify the ad and include a summary of the ad content : Identify the ad and include a summary of the ad content. Who is the target audience? What is the message it tries to deliver? How does it work
Explain how this event spurred social change : The 1970s is known as the Age of Relevance when it comes to television Identify which TV show of the 1970s best reflects this era. Why did you pick this show?
What is iq, eq , social quotient and adversity quotient : What is IQ, EQ , Social quotient and Adversity quotient? What is the difference between them and how to use theses to be balanced in our work and life.
Describe the nature of the conflict and how you negotiated : Identify a time in which you experienced a conflict with another person that resulted in a win-win outcome. This may have been with a friend, co-worker


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