Reference no: EM133694419
With the rise of cyber attacks that have affected critical infrastructure as well as resulted in massive data breaches of US citizen's personal data, the White House, via Executive Order, has issued the National Cybersecurity Strategy (March 2023). The purpose of this document is to provide an outline for how all government agencies, and private industries that work with these government agencies, need to approach cybersecurity. As you will read, this strategy addresses software security in a few areas. For this discussion, you will get familiar with these sections and the requirements put forth, and discuss their merits.
In the March 2023 National Cybersecurity Strategy (attached below), read sections:
Collectively Defend Federal Civilian Agencies (page 17)
Strategic Objective 3.3: Shift Liability for Insecure Software Products and Services (page 20, 21)
After reading these sections, review the NIST Secure Software Development Framework (attached below) to familiarize yourself with the specific guidelines.
Using the discussion board, create an original post answering the following questions:
How do you think this guidance will affect how organizations approach application security? Also, what specific guidelines do you think will be the most difficult to implement?