How do you think members of generation define leader-ship

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133637530


Deresiewicz says that for most students today, leadership means "getting to the top" How do you think members of your generation define leader- ship? What role does "doing good" play in your own idea of what it means to be a leader?

What changes would Deresiewicz make in American colleges in order to"plot our exit to another kind of society altogether"? How advisable andfeasible do his ideas seem to you? How, for example, could a college distin-guish between the "faithful drudge" and the "original mind" during theadmissions process? What changes would we have to make in the currentstructure of higher education to give everyone "an equal chance to go as faras their hard work and talent will take them"?

Reference no: EM133637530

Questions Cloud

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