How do you think fire helps to bring hope to humans

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133719829

Assignment 1:
Question 1. Explain how Vulcan goes about binding Prometheus.
In your answer, address the following:

What Vulcan says to Prometheus
How Vulcan feels about binding Prometheus
What Vulcan does in the end

Question 2. Who/what do Vulcan, Strength, and Force represent in the play? Why is this important?
In your answer, address the following:
Who/what they represent
Give an example
Discuss the importance of this

Question 3. Why is Prometheus so certain that he and Zeus will be friends again?
In your answer, address the following:
How does Prometheus know?
Why will they become friends again?

Question 4. How do you think fire helps to bring hope to humans?
In your answer, address the following:
What life was like before fire
What fire brought to humans

Assignment 2:

Question 1. In what way(s) has Prometheus benefited mortals?
In your answer, address the following:
What did Prometheus do for humans?
How did this benefit humans?

Question 2.What does Oceanus do to try to help Prometheus? What happens as a result?
In your answer, address the following:
What does Oceanus offer to do?
What is Prometheus's response?

Question 3. Explain the power struggle between Zeus and Prometheus at the end of the play.
In your answer, address the following:
How do they react to one another?

Question 4. Describe the stages that Prometheus has gone through in the play, as they relate to his prophecy of Zeus.
In your answer, address the following:
Discuss Prometheus's prophesies of Zeus at three separate stages in the play.

Reference no: EM133719829

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