How do you respond to your friends dismissal

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133636802

Question: You're still working as a business consultant specializing in human resource management. You've been exceptionally busy lately, but you always make time to help your friends Darius and Jessica, co-owners of DJ-Fit. The last time you saw them, they gave you a free case of DJ-Fit Bars and samples of various flavors of their yummy nutritional shakes.

You recently stopped by the company to chat with Darius and Jessica about the company's progress. The company now has 125 employees, including ten supervisors. Sales are steady, though not increasing as much as in past quarters. Darius and Jessica share with you a human resource management issue that has recently come to their attention: Many employees are expressing concerns over the lack of a formal performance feedback system.

"Some employees are telling us that their direct supervisors never have a conversation with them about their job performance," Jessica tells you. "They're complaining that they don't understand what it takes to get a promotion and pay raise. One of our best employees says, 'I just come to work every day, but I don't have a clue how I'm doing or what I need to do better. Nobody tells me anything.'"

Darius speaks up. "But it seems sort of ridiculous for our supervisors to spend time telling their people what they already know. I mean, employees should just know how they're doing without being told, right?" How do you respond to your friends' dismissal of the need for performance feedback for their employees? Why is performance feedback important in the workplace? Explain.

Reference no: EM133636802

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