How do you plan to manage your time and commitments

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Reference no: EM133309720

Question 1: What are your values and beliefs? How do you think they relate to social work?
Question 2: What leadership and personal qualities would you bring to the social work program and profession?
Question 3: The MSW program educates students to engage in anti-racist and anti-oppressive social work practice. How have you demonstrated your commitment to anti-racist and anti-oppressive practices in the past or how might you do so in the future?
Question 4: The MSW program educates students to advocate for and to engage in clinical social work practice with children, youth, and families. Why is this program the best fit for you and your career goals?
Question 5: How do you expect your academic and social performance in graduate school to compare with your academic and social performance as an undergraduate student? Give reasons for any differences you may anticipate.
Question 6: Have you ever received low (D's) or failing grades, been on academic probation, or been dismissed from or denied readmission to any college? If so, explain. Be specific.
If your overall GPA is below a 3.0, please explain
Question 7: Describe any social work experience in which you were supervised by an MSW professional.
Question 8: Give an example of a work-related problem you experienced and how you were able to resolve it. What did you learn from this experience?
Question 9: Describe your experience/participation in school and community activities.
Question 10: Describe your experience in the helping role, such as family or other social or work experiences, in which you gave or received help.
Question 11: How do you plan to manage your time and commitments to successfully complete the program?
Question 12: If you are expecting to be employed while in the program, how you will ensure that you have at least one day available to finish your field placement hours?

Reference no: EM133309720

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