How do you or your employer use social media

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133653768


Discuss how Internet searches have (or might) impact your job function or organization. How do you or your employer use social media? How do you use Internet searches to monitor sentiment towards your organization? What are your organization's policies around employee use of social media? Is formal training offered?

Reference no: EM133653768

Questions Cloud

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Sharing confidential data impact privacy and security : How to address a data breach in HR with a workflow chart. why and how does sharing confidential data impact privacy and security?
How do you or your employer use social media : Discuss how Internet searches have (or might) impact your job function or organization. How do you or your employer use social media?
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Underlies both the criminal and civil cases : you as a witness to question you in court regarding information Smith told you about the transaction that underlies both the criminal and civil cases.
Procedural due process rights : Mia claims that a North Carolina state statute infringes on her "procedural due process" rights.
Explore relationship between diversity and innovation : Explore the relationship between diversity and innovation. Students will research and present how diverse teams contribute to innovation in different industries


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Business Management Questions & Answers

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