Reference no: EM132403056
Flowchart/Graphic Organizer of Special Education Process
There must be introduction, conclusion, in-text citations and sources please
The process and timelines required for referral, evaluation, eligibility determination, placement, development of the IEP, and implementation of services is prescribed by law and all members of the IEP team are responsible for understanding the process.
Obtain information and materials for families of individuals with disabilities. Based on the materials provided to the families, create a flowchart/graphic organizer depicting the special education process and laws followed within a school. The flowchart/graphic should depict the processes of referral, evaluation, determination of eligibility, placement, development and implementation of the IEP, progress monitoring, and the reevaluation process. Timelines and required parental should be included.
In addition to your completed flowchart or graphic organizer, write a 500-750 words parent-friendly letter about the special education process. In the letter, explain the roles of the school, the parents, and the students.
Support your flowchart/graphic organizer with a minimum of two resources.
While APA format is required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, (2) Field Experience B: Special Education Teacher and General Education Teacher Interviews.There must be Introduction, Conclusion,in-text Quotations and sources
The role of the special education professional is a collaborative role and requires a specific skill set and understanding of the laws and regulations that prescribe the procedures and processes to ensure a free appropriate public education to students with disabilities.
You will interview a special education teacher and a general education teacher for this assignment to gain a better understanding of the roles and responsibilities of these service providers in the school setting.
Interview a certified special education teacher and a general education teacher from a K-12 setting about the following:
1. What is your role in the IEP process?
2. What steps need to be followed prior to an IEP being created for an individual with disabilities?
3. How do you involve parents in the special education process?
4. What support do you offer parents of individuals with disabilities?
5. How do you collaborate with the school psychologist and administration in the special education process?
6. What resources and training does the district provide teachers regarding special education?
7. How do you collect data for IEP progress monitoring?
Additionally, ask the special education teacher the following
• How do you collaborate with general education teachers to meet the needs of your students?
Ask the general education teacher the following:
• How do you collaborate with the special education teacher to meet the needs of your students?
(In 500-750 words, identify the school setting,(Ferndale Public Schools Michigan) summarize, and reflect upon your interviews and explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide
Explain how human factors will be assessed
: Based on the scenario provided in the Case Document, develop the Introduction to your Proposal. In your introduction, be sure to include the purpose.
Draw a normal probability plot
: Use the accompanying data table to (a) draw a normal probability plot, (b) determine the linear correlation between observed values and expected z-scores
Write analysis of the contribution unique characteristics
: For this task, you will create generalized DSS management diagrams that can represent DSS management approaches. Specifically, you will analyze popular approach
Explain the different aspects of your report
: A brief abstract of the report outlining what the report is about and the motivation for the study. Describing the topic area and its relevance to networks.
How do you involve parents in the special education process
: How do you involve parents in the special education process and What steps need to be followed prior to an IEP being created for an individual with disabilities
How the impact of computer crime is quantified
: Conduct research to determine three types of computer crimes that have occurred in the past five years. Please provide a detailed description of all crimes.
Computer technology and information systems
: Computer technology, Information systems, Data analytics /supply chain management, Sensors/cameras and overall tracking monitoring equipment
Discuss some of the pros and cons of using sharepoint
: Discuss some of the pros and cons of using SharePoint. Those of you that have used it, please share you "war stories". The response must be typed.
What are some potential causes of the adverse outcomes
: What are some potential causes of the adverse outcomes, and what are some prevention strategies that you may want to employ to prevent them?