How do you go about searching for job postings

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Reference no: EM133392607 , Length: 4 pages

Research on Future Career Fields: Litigation Paralegal

GOAL: The general goal of this assignment is to learn about the demands of data skills, research skills, and evidence-gathering skills in your future career fields. In doing so, you will also practice your skills to quantitatively summarize using some of the concepts and tools learned in class including EXCEL.

ASSIGNMENT: Explore current job postings in your future career fields, create a raw data file (N=20) about job postings in EXCEL, and summarize in an essay what kinds of data, research, evidence, or quantitative skills employers seem to look for. You will be required to submit two separate files: An EXCEL file of raw data about the jobs you found, and a 3-page essay summarizing the data. See instructions below.


1. "Research" your job field: How do you go about searching for job postings? Explore 2-3 different job search engines (e.g., LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, NJ Civil Service Commission job search site, or NJ public safety information site etc.) to look up job postings in the area you are interested in. (It doesn't have to be a field you are realistically heading right after graduation; something you may consider in the future with a little tweaking is okay). You also want to look up a little broader field instead of very specific job titles; use general terms such as "social service" "non-profit" "criminal justice" "human resources" and "diversity and inclusion" "healthcare," etc., instead of "school counselor" "police officers" "family case manager" etc. You also want to look up both entry-level and more experienced level jobs you might seek in 5 years in the same field. I suggest you review at least 20 job postings (in mixed levels) systematically to analyze the job descriptions and qualifications. In other words, your final sample to be included in this job posting dataset should be about N=20.

Review and take notes on these job postings carefully while taking systematic notes. In your notes, highlight any qualifications or job descriptions where you think data analysis/presentation, research, evidence-gathering could be useful. (e.g., words such as "data" "evidence" "research" "metric" "KPIs" "analysis" are cues for quantitative skills). I strongly recommend using an EXCEL file to record your notes and turn it into the "Raw data EXCEL sheet" component of your assignment.

2. Summarize and present your findings from above.

a. You will upload two files for this assignment: an EXCEL sheet with raw data and a Word document essay.

b. The raw data EXCEL sheet: The raw data file must have a substantive title indicating the job field searched. The EXCEL sheet should include variables such as "company name" "job title" "location" "job description" "qualifications-degree" "qualifications-experience" "qualifications-skills" and "qualifications-data skills," etc. Add variables as needed. The raw data file should have a substantive title.

c. Summary Essay in a separate Word file (3-4 pages):

i. Must have a substantive title for your essay.

ii. Introduction paragraph should include the topic and the objectives of your paper assignment. Tell the audience what your essay is going to be about.

iii. The "Methods" paragraph(s) should describe how you gathered the job data in your EXCEL file. Which search engines were used and why you used those? What was(were) the keywords/fields you searched? What time-period was explored (job posting past 30 days, past week, or all times)? Did you include everything that came up in the search or used additional criteria? In the end, how many job postings ended up in your final sample (N=?) and what criteria are used to get that sample size?

iv. The "Findings" section: Summarize the common job descriptions you identified, and also summarize the common job skills needed in an analytic way. Consider how to systematically present the information you have to the class audience. Think about the most effective way to give comprehensive snapshots of your data in only 1-2 pages. You must use at least ONE skill you learned in this class and incorporate the result in the written summary above. (i.e., Look at your EXCEL raw data sheet and see if you can utilize any of the skills you learned in this class (e.g., frequency table, graph, mean/median/mode, crosstabulation, t-test, qualitative coding, etc. to help presenting your data better. Perform any analysis on the EXCEL sheet and only write in the results onto the essay).

v. The "Reflections" section should attempt to make the connections between the contents of this course and some of the skills demands in the job field you chose for this assignment. First discuss what data analysis, data presentation, research, evidence-gathering skills appear to be required in this job field. Then, assess whether skills, concepts, perspectives, and habits you developed in this course might be helpful for the potential jobs in your field in the future. We live in a world where a typical person will not only switch employers but also switch job categories multiple times throughout our life. Your career should be an evolving one with constant professional development efforts. On that note, if you need to further hone your skills, what kind of advance training you may need in the future?

vi. Reference list: Use of references is not required for this assignment. But if you incorporated any literature in this essay, they have to be cited and put in the reference list. Also, list the URL of the job search engines you used here.

The Grading Rubric will include the following:

1) completing all required components
2) competency in information search
3) competency in describing research methods
4) competency in EXCEL skills
5) incorporation of class contents
6) clear and analytic summary of the findings
7) general quality of writing reflecting professionalism and college level skills

Attachment:- Career Fields.rar

Reference no: EM133392607

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