How do you figure out how to declare a variable

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13940243

How do you figure out how to declare a variable? How do you know what type of variable to use? What is the best way to name a variable and why? What are the differences between an integer variable and a floating point variable? When and why do data type conversions occur? What is the modulus operator?

Write a short java statement for each question item

1) Declare a variable for each of the data types, pay attention to the naming convention and syntax

a. a int variable representing the number of students, the value of this variable is 45.

b. a double variable representing a student' s GPA.

c. a float variable representing the amount you need to pay for gas at a gas station.

d. a char variable that has the value of C.

e. a String variable containing the name of your pet/hometown/your favorite dish.

2) Write down the result for the following statement.

a. inta=15; float b = 15.0; ?c = a + b;?Question: the data type of c should be ___30___

b. inta=5;?double b = 15.0;?c = a + b;?Question: the value of c is ___20___, the data type of c is ___double____

c. int numOfPeople = 10;?int numOfApple = 4;?c = numOfPeople / numOfApple;?Question: the value of c is __2.5_____, the data type of c should be _______

d. int numOfPeople = 10;?int numOfApple = 4;?c = numOfPeople % numOfApple;?Question: the value of c is _______, the data type of c should be _______

e. int numOfPeople =10;?int numOfApple = 4;?double applePerPerson = 0.0;?applePerPerson = numOfPeople / numOfApple; Question: the value of applePerPerson is ______.

f. int num1 = 5; int num2 = 4; ?int result = num1 % numb2;?Question: the value of result is __________.

g. Let assume you have 1003 cents, using / and % to write a block of java statement to calculate the number of dollars, quarters, and cents you have.
Section Three

Write a block of pseudo code that captures the following federal tax bracket, please note that the following chart is an approximation of the tax bracket, but is not the actual tax bracket:

For people who file single status, Taxable income
0 - $8,500 $8500-$34,500 $34,500 - $83,600 $83,600 - $174,400 $174,400 - $379,150
$379,150 above
tax bracket 10%?15%?25%
28% 33%

Reference no: EM13940243

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