Reference no: EM133718947
Cultivating Nursing Practice as a Ministry Paper
The purpose of this assignment is for the student to write a 3-4-page paper that integrates the concepts related to spirituality in nursing learned across the course and applies them in developing a plan for cultivating one's professional nursing practice as an evolving ministry of service.
Program Outcome:
Practice empathetic caring within the framework of the Catholic health ministry.
Demonstrate commitment to the nursing profession and lifelong learning.
Course Objective:
Explain concepts of spirituality and ministry as essential components of holistic nursing care
Identify opportunities for knowing and caring for self and the relationship to knowing and caring for others.
Reflect on one's spiritual view to embrace another's
Compare and contrast different patient populations' spiritual needs and spiritual care.
Apply nursing caring, compassionate, supportive practices to respond to the spiritual distress and suffering of others.
Cultivate an evolving practice of nursing as a ministry through the incorporation of concepts and theories related to holistic, compassionate care into individual nursing practice
Module Objective:
Explain the concept of nursing as a ministry, one of service and servanthood.
Cultivate a plan for professional nursing practice as a ministry through synthesizing and applying concepts and practices learned throughout the course.
Review the rubric for the Cultivating Nursing as a Ministry assignment.
It is helpful to have the rubric open while working on the assignment to ensure you address all expectations.
Prepare an outline for your paper.
You will submit your outline to the appropriate Blackboard assignment portal.
The outline is to be submitted by the close of week 7
Remember, the outline should be concise, spanning no more than 1-2 pages. As you embark on this process, I encourage you to let your creativity flow and your thoughts organize. The APA formatted template is provided for you to utilize.
Paper Header Format
Introduction: Begin with briefly exploring the questions posed under this section, setting the tone for your paper.
Evolving Understanding about Spirituality in Nursing: Reflect on the questions presented below (you are welcome to choose as many or as few questions as you like), acknowledging that our journey towards spiritual understanding is ongoing. Your responses here are expected to be fluid as your understanding continues to deepen.
Applying Concepts to Cultivate Nursing Practice as a Ministry: Engage with the questions under this section, contemplating how nursing can be elevated to a ministry. Consider how these concepts resonate with your personal beliefs and experiences.Conclusion: Summarize your thoughts on the questions posed, wrapping up your outline with a glimpse of what's to come in your final paper.Participate in designated Watercooler Conversations (weeks 7, 9, 12)These conversations are meant to support you and your peers in progressing towards writing a successful paper.Provide an update on how your work is progressing.Ask any questions you may have while working on your paper.Be sure to help your peers if you can answer their questions.Note, the Watercooler is there as a support, and the use is not a requirement.
Prepare the first draft of your paper.
The first draft should be finished by week 13.
Submit your draft to SafeAssign. Please take note of your SafeAssign report feedback to determine if you need to make further edits before submitting your final paper.
Thought-provoking questions for your topics in the paper (Choose among 2-3 questions from below)
Self-Reflection: How does the concept of fear hindering our greatness resonate with you, and can you share any personal experiences related to this idea?
Wounded Healer: How do you perceive personal struggles being transformed into sources of healing, and can you reflect on any instances where this transformation has occurred in your life or others?
Encouraging Others: In what ways do you believe individuals can be empowered and supported in overcoming their fears, and can you discuss strategies for offering this encouragement and support?
Harmonizing the Duality: Can you share any experiences or strategies you've employed to balance the spiritual and physical care aspects of nursing for patients?
Communication Skills: What communication skills do you consider essential for nursing ministers, and how do these skills contribute to building trust and rapport with patients?
Respecting Diversity: How do you approach providing inclusive spiritual care in a diverse healthcare landscape, and what strategies do you employ to respect the religious and cultural backgrounds of patients?
Choose Your Caritas Palette: Which Caritas Processes align with your nursing philosophy, and why do you resonate with these processes?
Crafting Compassion: How do you envision integrating Caritas processes into your daily nursing practice to cultivate compassion, and what artistic elements of Caritas nursing speak to you personally?