How do you encourage open and supportive communication

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Reference no: EM133015166

SITXHRM003 Lead And Manage People

Task 1: Knowledge Questions

Objective Act as a positive role model through individual performance

Task When acting as a positive role module you need to exhibit what 7 things. Name and briefly explain.

Task 2
Objective Show support for and commitment to organisational goals in day to day work performance
Task When writing goals for your team what things do you need to remember? Name the 7 points that are necessary.

Task 3
Objective Treat people with integrity, respect and empathy

Task Define:



Task 4
Objective Develop and clearly communicate plans and objectives in consultation with the team
Task Finish the following sentence. "As a team leader you...."

Task 5
Objective Develop and clearly communicate plans and objectives in consultation with the team
Task Define a goal.

Task 6
Objective Make plans and objectives consistent with organisational goals and Communicate expectations, roles and responsibilities of team members to encourage people to take responsibility for their work.
Task What is the common acronym for describing the formatting of goals and objectives? Describe each point and briefly explain.

Task 7
Objective Make plans and objectives consistent with organisational goals and Communicate expectations, roles and responsibilities of team members to encourage people to take responsibility for their work.
Task Having decided what it is you want to achieve and where the roles are, the next step is to itemise the tasks and Tasks to be completed. List the 6 points that are involved.

Task 8
Objective Encourage teams and individuals to develop innovative approaches to work and Identify, encourage, value and reward individual and team efforts and contributions
Task We can't possibly know what customers or guests will want, but we must nonetheless make every effort to satisfy what they want. Name and briefly explain the 5 tips mentioned that can make this happen.

Task 9
Objective Model and encourage open and supportive communication within the team
Task As leader of a team there are three roles that you can play.
Name them.

Task 10
Objective Seek and share information from the wider enterprise environment with the team.
Task What is the policy in your organisation for sharing information with other members of the organisation?

Task 11
Objective Represent team interests in the wider environment
Task As a vital link in the communication chain, you are responsible for what 7 points?

Task 12
Objective Represent team interests in the wider environment
Task There are many situations in which you may need to represent your team. Name 4 of them.

Task 13
Objective Represent team interests in the wider environment
Task No matter what the representation task is, there are some general rules that you should follow. Name and explain briefly, the 5 of them:

Task 14
Objective Delegate tasks and responsibilities, identify barriers to delegation and implement processes to overcome them
Task Explain the difference between counselling, mentoring and coaching.

Task 15
Delegate tasks and responsibilities, identify barriers to delegation and implement processes to overcome them
Task Name and explain, with examples, the three (3) key stages when operating as a mentor.

Task 16
Objective Evaluate the skills of team members and provide opportunities for individual development
Task Name and explain in as much detail as you see necessary, the 4 key stages or phases in counselling a team member.

Task 17
Objective Evaluate the skills of team members and provide opportunities for individual development
Task There are a number of things/points that we need to consider when talking to someone about their performance. Name at least 8 of them and explain briefly.

Task 18
Objective Monitor team performance to ensure progress towards achievement of goals
Task There are 5 main points that mentoring may entail. Name and explain briefly.

Task 19
Objective Monitor team performance to ensure progress towards achievement of goals
Task When monitoring you must strive to be what?

Task 20
Objective Monitor team performance to ensure progress towards achievement of goals
Task In-house progress reports can be very useful tools for recording information that can be used in a variety of ways, some of which include what 6 points?

Task 21
Objective Monitor team performance to ensure progress towards achievement of goals
Task As a coach you must be alert to signs that coaching has not been effective. Performance problems or difficulties may be due to what 5 possible signs?

Task 22
Objective Provide mentoring and coaching to support team members and Motivate individuals and teams to achieve optimum performance
Task People are motivated when?

Task 23
Objective Provide mentoring and coaching to support team members and Motivate individuals and teams to achieve optimum performance
Task What are the two most popular theories related to motivation? Explain both in detail using diagrams etc. if you find it necessary.

Task 24
Objective Provide recognition and reward for team achievements
Task Why is it necessary to recognise and reward people? Name 5 points.

Task 25
Objective Provide recognition and reward for team achievements
Task What is the desired outcome of recognition programs?

Task 26
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the entire unit.
Task What potential changes can be implemented within the bounds of organisational goals and policies?

Task 2: Scenario

You are the manager of Peters Café and Convention Centre.

The café and convention centre is set in beautiful themed gardens with a duck pond, with indoor and outdoor seating available. The café provides breakfast, lunch or a delicious snack in lush, tranquil settings.

Peters has built a reputation for quality food and friendly service. Menus change on a seasonal basis and cater to different dietary requirements. It is fully licensed and offers a wide range of Australian and local wines.

You cater for a variety of special events such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, fundraising events and corporate functions. You have a wide range of packages and menus to suit different budgets and styles, including buffets, barbeques, finger food and two- and three-course dinners.

Peters features a boutique function room which can cater for 30 guests for an intimate celebration or convention. For larger events, the Paddock Room can seat 50 guests during the day and be expanded to seat up to 160 in the evenings.

Opening hours: 7.00 am to 5.00 pm, seven days a week, and in the evenings for function and convention bookings.

You manage a large team of five supervisors and 35 team members. You are hands on with your managerial duties, and supervisors only manage team members when you are not there.

Organisation mission statement
We provide tailored personalised gardening services to help our customers create beautiful, affordable garden spaces. We use quality, sustainably sourced products and suppliers who share our beliefs.

We act in an ethical and socially responsible way, and continue to improve our products and services and reduce our environmental impact.
We recognise that our team is critical to our success and we are dedicated to employing the best people, who are passionate about our vision, and treating them as a valued family member.

We want every customer who enters at Peters Café and Convention Centre to enjoy the beauty of nature and leave feeling energised and inspired.

Strategic goals
• Take advantage of economies of scale and increase efficiencies across the café and convention centre by improving communication, HR systems, streamlining purchasing and improving customer management systems by 2019.
• Receive a 5-star customer service rating from Hospitality Now! (hospitality accreditation
• Receive a 5-star food rating for food from Hospitality Now! (hospitality accreditation organisation).
• Receive a 5-star rating for events from Hospitality Now! (hospitality accreditation organisation).
• Be the number one convention centre and café on the Central coast by 2019.
• Identify and successfully implement innovation ideas that bring benefits to the business and our stakeholders.
• To continue to be recognised as a leader in sustainable practices and champion new sustainability initiatives and technology.
• To increase net profit by 10% annually.
• To improve existing and establish new supplier relationships with other innovative companies.
• To continue to learn and adopt current best practices.
• To develop leadership abilities and potential of the team to support expansion and growth strategies.
Managers' code of conduct
All managers and supervisors of Peters Café and Convention Centre must abide by the following code of conduct and behaviour expectations:
• Practise professional grooming standards.
• Be respectful to all team members, customers and other stakeholders.
• Act with integrity in all their dealings with all team members, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders.
• Be honest and transparent in all their communications with customers, team members and other stakeholders.
• Be fair and consistent with customers, team members and other stakeholders.
• Act ethically in all tasks undertaken.
• Exhibit excellent communication skills, including expressing yourself positively and clearly, actively listening, asking appropriate questions and having an understanding of body language.
• Show empathy to customers, team members and other stakeholders.
• Be flexible to the ever-changing needs of the business.
• Keep all confidential information private.
• Follow all workplace policies and procedures.

Learner assessment guide and evidence
This assessment requires you to do the following:
Explain how you model high standards of performance and behaviour.
Develop team commitment and cooperation.
Manage team performance.
Monitor and review team performance.
Understand role of coaching and mentoring
Provide recognition and rewards for team achievements.

Part 1: Model appropriate behaviours
Question and answer
Q1: List three behaviours that you display as manager of Warblers Café and Convention Centre, to be a role model for your team.

Q2: As manager, how can you show your support for the goals of Warblers Café and Convention Centre?

Q3: List three ways you can show your professionalism in your interactions with team members.

Part 2: Develop teams
It is the beginning of the year and you are required to develop goals with your team. The executive management team would like you to come up with three team goals. These goals are to be based on the organisational goals.
You decide to focus on the café and its staff first. The café staff include the following full-time employees.
Jemma - Cafe supervisor
Lisa -Front counter server
Travis -Front counter server
Meg - Chef
David - Sous chef
Sasha - Sandwich hand
Kat - Front counterserver
John - Sous chef

Question and answer
Q1: What are the long-term goals for Peters Café and Convention Centre?

Q2: What process would you follow to determine the team goals for the café?

Q3: List three appropriate team goals?

Q4: List three appropriate goals for Jemma, the café supervisor:

Part 3: Manage team performance

You have decided that you would like to run a promotion with a lunch and coffee deal for $9 to try and get more people into the café between 11am and 3pm.Ideally you would like to see a 20% rise in patronage at this time, while still maintaining high customer satisfaction levels. You need to work out the following details.

Menu items included in the deal
Timeframes for the deal and when it will begin
How it will be promoted
Promotional materials

Question and answer
Q1: What responsibilities do you allocate to each team member?You can allocate more than one team member for each task.

Q2: What methods of communication do you use to communicate the promotion and allocation of job roles to your team members?

Q3: What actions do you take to encourage your team to take responsibility for the role you have allocated to them?

Q4: List three ways you can encourage innovation in your team.

Q5: How do you encourage team innovation for the $9 lunch promotion task?

Q6: List three barriers to delegation.

Q7: After you have delegated the tasks for the lunch promotion, Kat the front counterserver approaches you and says that she doesn't feel comfortable doing the task you allocated as she feels that it is your job as manager to complete the task.
She says, ‘I don't get paid as much as you, so why should I do it?' How do you respond to this?

Q8: After you have delegated tasks, you are told by the team working on promoting the campaign that they have not been allocated enough funds for the task they have been given.
They require more funding to print flyers and for a large sign that will be placed on the major road in front of the café. You were only given a limited amount of money for promotion by head office. What is your response to this? What action would you take?

Q9: What do you say to the executive management team in order to highlight your team's concerns and offer suggestions to assist your team?

Q10: After your meeting with the executive management team, you are givenmore funds for your team's promotional activities, but only enough for the street-facing signage - not for the flyers.
Explain how you share this information with your team. Provide a script of what you say.

Q11: What other free forms of advertising can you recommend your team use instead of flyers?

Q12: What will the café's KPIs be for the $9 lunch promotion?

Q13: How do you monitor team performance for this task?

Q14: How will you get feedback from team members about how the promotion is going?

Part 4: Monitor team performance

It has been three weeks since the $9 lunch and coffee promotion has been running. It has been an overwhelming success with patronage up by 40%!

Jemma, the café supervisor, has come to you and complained that the chefs in the kitchen are getting snappy and angry when she and the other team members ask them when orders will be ready.
The front counter and server team are trying to meet the goal of making their service quicker but the chefs are not being compliant and customers are left waiting for their food! The chefs are refusing to communicate effectively with the rest of the team.

Question and answer

Q1: You call a meeting with the team to sort this out. What do you say in this meeting?

Q2: How do you encourage open and supportive communication?

Q3: What could you do to solve this problem?

Q4: What opportunities do you provide to each team member to improve their performance, after you observed them?

Task 5: Coaching and mentoring

You decide to run a coaching session for Lisa, the front counter server, so that she can improve her efficiency.
You would like to teach her how she can multi-task when completing the following tasks:
• Working the counter
• Using the register
• Serving customers
• Bringing meals and beverages to the table
You need to create a coaching session plan.
Complete the multi-tasking coaching session for Lisa.

Defining the current state
• What questions will you ask the employee to help them understand the current stateof their performance?

Outline the benefit and impact of change
• What questions will you ask the employee to help them understandthe benefit of changing their approach?

Coaching session steps
• What are the topics you will include in the coaching session?
• What are the steps for each one?

Additional coaching session
• Is there another coaching session required?
• Set date and time.
• List which topics will need to be revisited.

Part 6: Reward team
Question and answer

Q1: How do you motivate your team so that they achieve their KPIs and team goals, especially for the $9 lunch promotion task?

Q2: It has been two months since the launch of the $9 lunch promotion at Warblers Café. You are reviewing the customer numbers, total sales and customer feedback and the promotion has been an overwhelming success. The following goals have been met.
• Increase customer sales and intake by 20%. (This is up to 40%.)
• Increase efficiency in service. (Feedback from customer surveys has averaged 4.5 out of 5 stars.)
• Decrease customer wait times. (Customers surveyed said they waited less than one minute to be served and 15 minutes for meals.)
Jemma in particular has done an amazing job of overcoming all conflicts and issues with team members to create a cohesive team that works well together.
You are extremely pleased with the team at Peters Café.
How will you acknowledge Jemma's individual good performance to the whole team?

Q3: What other forms of rewards and recognition will you provide to the team for meeting their KPIs?

Attachment:- Lead And Manage People.rar

Reference no: EM133015166

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