Reference no: EM133011850
Lab 3: Individual review questions and Lab Exercises
Part A:
Review Questions: Initiating and Planning a Project
1. What is a project charter? Describe what an effective charter should accomplish.
2. Which deliverable authorizes the project team to move from Selecting and initiating to Planning?
3. Put the five project management phases in order from the one that generally requires the least work to the one that requires the most.
4. How do you define project failure? List four common causes of project failure.
5. Explain why the process of project planning is an iterative one and why a project plan must be continually reviewed during an IT project.
Part B:
Lab Exercises: Set up the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Learning outcomes from Lab 3
1. Using MS Project 2016 to set up the WBS
a. Enter WBS elements (summaries)
b. Create the outline for your WBS
c. Insert WBS row number column
d. Hide or show the underlining details
2. Save MyFirstProject file
1. set up the WBS
a. Enter WBS elements (summaries)
» Click on the Id field to select the row (say 2), where the new row will be.
» On the File tab → Open → Select MyFirstProject.mpp (from Lab 2), then Click Open to open the project file.
» On the Task tab →Insert Group → Click Insert Task
» In the task name field, enter the name of the added WBS element
» Enter other elements from the list as follows:
Task Mode Task Name Duration
0 Alternative Breaks Project 1 day?
1 Old Board/New Board Retreat 1 day?
2 Old Board/New Board Retreat Agenda 1 day?
3 Retreat day 1 day?
4 Retreat Decisions 1 day?
5 Retreat Follow-up 1 day?
6 Following Year Trips Plan 1 day?
7 Site selection 1 day?
8 Budgets 1 day?
9 Documented Trip Plans 1 day?
10 Board Retreat 1 day?
11 Site Leader Retreat 1 day?
12 Session and materials 1 day?
13 Venue 1 day?
14 Participant 1 day?
15 Participant Application 1 day?
16 Participant Notification 1 day?
17 Budget Management 1 day?
18 Payments 1 day?
19 Advances 1 day?
20 Spring Break Trips Final Preparation i. 1 day?
b. Create the outline using the Indent and Outdent controls for your WBS
» Click the Task Name field of the row to be indented.
» On the Task tab → Schedule Group → Click Indent Task to increase the indent level
» On the Task tab → Schedule Group → Click Outdent Task to decrease the indent level
c. Insert WBS row number column
» Right click the Task Name heading → Click Insert Column → Click WBS. The result will be something like
Task Mode WBS Task Name Duration
0 0 Alternative Breaks Project 1 day?
1 1 Old Board/New Board Retreat 1 day?
2 1.1 Old Board/New Board Retreat Agenda 1 day?
3 1.2 Retreat day 1 day?
4 1.3 Retreat Decisions 1 day?
5 1.4 Retreat Follow-up 1 day?
6 2 Following Year Trips Plan 1 day?
7 2.1 Site selection 1 day?
8 2.2 Budgets 1 day?
9 2.3 Documented Trip Plans 1 day?
10 3 Board Retreat 1 day?
11 4 Site Leader Retreat 1 day?
12 4.1 Session and materials 1 day?
13 4.2 Venue 1 day?
14 5 Participant 1 day?
15 5.1 Participant Application 1 day?
16 5.2 Participant Notification 1 day?
17 6 Budget Management 1 day?
18 6.1 Payments 1 day?
19 6.2 Advances 1 day?
20 7 Spring Break Trips Final Preparation 1 day?
d. Hide or show the underlining details
» Click Hide Subtasks (minus sign in the box before the task name) to hide underlying details, or
» Click Show Subtasks (plus sign in box) to show underlying details.
2. Save MyFirstProject.mpp file
Attachment:- Initiating and Planning a Project.rar