How do you define history

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133514903


Historical Methods

First Reflective Paper

At the end of the semester, you will write a related paper, Reflective Paper II, which will demonstrate what you now think History is about and how your understanding of the nature and practice of History has developed throughout this course.

You will develop an informal statement explaining what "history" is and why it is worthwhile to research and write history. The activity provides an initial self-assessment of what you already know about the issues involved in historical interpretation, and so it supports the course outcome to cultivate an identity as a historian. Develop a topic sentence for each paragraph.

Since the statement is informal, you may include your own opinions. It is not necessary to conduct research into course materials or other sources. Use active voice.

Based on your own knowledge and opinions now (at the start of the course), answer the following questions. The question to address in your paper has three parts to answer: How do you define History, why is it important to study history, and what would you like to do professionally as a historian and why that professional path?

Reference no: EM133514903

Questions Cloud

What lasting influences they had on the areas they colonized : Consider such things as language, geographic names, cuisine, and culture. Basically, talk about the impact of Europe claiming areas of America.
What was different from today in brampton : What was different from today in Brampton? Give specific examples from this. newspaper issue to support your answer. Include the specific issue (date).
What is scientific argument about young-earth creation : What is the strongest scientific argument about young-Earth creation?
When did homo sapiens populate the americas : How and when did Homo sapiens populate the Americas?
How do you define history : How do you define History, why is it important to study history, and what would you like to do professionally as a historian and why that professional path?
Do you feel there are certain styles of music : Do you feel there are certain styles of music or certain musicians that go over the line for you?
Does cultural relativism mean moral relativism : Does Cultural Relativism Mean Moral Relativism? If we respect all cultures, does that mean we have to accept all their practices/beliefs, etc.?
How did the rulers of the ancient mesopotamian empire : How did the rulers of the ancient Mesopotamian empire attempt to bring together and control the peoples within their realm?
What does the term arab american mean : Describe the three major waves of Arab migration to the United States. What does the term Arab American mean?


Write a Review

History Questions & Answers

  Why did europeans begin to explore overseas

Why did Europeans begin to explore overseas in greater numbers during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries?

  What is gendered institutions

What is gendered institutions and give an example Do you think that gendered institutions are negative or positive for society and individuals?

  Evaluate whether their sales performance is unchanged

A company has 24 salespersons. The test must evaluate whether their sales performance is unchanged or has improved after a training program.

  What would you guess were the main causes of the civil war

What would you guess were the main causes of the Civil War? What arguments of the abolitionists do you find convincing? What about those of the South?

  Discuss the sources upon which the author bases his book

Discuss the sources upon which the author bases his/book. What research materials did he or she use? Describe what is the different between war and peace.

  Write analytical review of a historical film

University of North Carolina, Write analytical review of a historical film that deals with issues of human rights. the name of the film is : " Osama (2003) "

  What do you think about the graphic dimensions of the movie

What do you remember about what your grandparents and parents told you about WWII?

  Disadvantages of globalization in contemporary world

Discuss advantages and disadvantages of globalization in contemporary world. Who has benefited and who has not? Has globalization brought the world together or driven it further apart?

  Discuss in detail all the events

Discuss in detail all the events that contributed to its coming described in the lectures and readings from 1918 to 1939 when crafting your answer.

  The amendments from the bill of rights of the us

the amendments from the bill of rights of the u.s. constitution. address the following in 1250-1500 words for each of

  Describe the 1954 brown v board of education decision

Describe the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision and the aftermath. How could the violent confrontations over desegregation have been avoided?

  Describe the significance of the medici family

What were the most valued artistic concepts in the renaissance? Describe the significance of the medici family in fifteenth century italy. What is perspective?

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