How do you calculate nitrogen balance

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133657886

Nutrition Assessment Review

1. What are key examples of Subjective and Objective Nutrition Assessment Information?

2. What is How do you interpret BMI in Adults? And how about pediatrics?

What is the equation you should use to assess percent usual body weight? % IBW?

How do you calculate BMI?

3. How do you calculate nitrogen balance?

What does it mean if you are in negative nitrogen balance.

What does it mean if you have protein in your urine?

4. What are the visceral proteins , primary function, normal range and what makes the levels change?

5. List 5 exam areas for NFPE and what normal looks like and what does abnormal look like?

6. What equation is best to estimate needs in the adult overweight patient?

7. What is the protein requirement for a healthy adult in terms of grams per kg of body weight?

What about if that normal healthy adult gets hit by a bus and ends up in the trauma unit at Regional One.

8. What are the normal lab values for the following:

Sodium, Potassium , Chloride , CO2 , Bun, Creatinine, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Calcium, Hemaglobin and Hematocrit.

Why might each one of these be abnormally high or low in the acute care setting?

Reference no: EM133657886

Questions Cloud

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Contemporary social practices been influenced by wellness : How have contemporary social practices been influenced by wellness?
How do you calculate nitrogen balance : How do you calculate nitrogen balance? What does it mean if you are in negative nitrogen balance.
Calculate the appropriate measure of disease occurrence : Calculate the appropriate measure of disease occurrence that best estimates the incidence of arthritis in this population.
Epidemiology and pathophysiology of the disease : What is the epidemiology and pathophysiology of the disease (briefly- how does it develop?).
Health information exchanges : Health Information Exchanges (HIE) are designed to allow authorized physicians to exchange health information.
Sensitivity measure in the context of biomarkers : What does sensitivity measure in the context of biomarkers?


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