How do we train my employees to look out for phishing emails

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Reference no: EM133617846

Topic: Phishing/cybersecurity

Our company's employees keep falling prey to phishing emails. How do we train my employees to look out for phishing emails? Are there other cybersecurity threats to business that we should be informing our employees about? Provide some recent examples of these attacks' impact on Canadian businesses to highlight the potential risks of failing to act in this area.


Write a short business report of six to nine pages focusing on an issue relevant to Canadian businesses. Write the report on any one of the recommended topics listed in this assignment sheet or, if your instructor allows it, a topic of your own.

Important: Reports on topics that are not listed below or have not been approved by your instructor may not be awarded a grade.

Ensure that your assignment meets all of the requirements listed below. If you fail to meet one or more of these requirements, your assignment may be significantly penalized.

Assignment Requirements

•For reports completed individually, they must be no less than five pages and no more than nine pages long, not including front and back matter. For groups of two or three, consult with your instructor as to page requirements. Indicate a company in Canada that was affected by cyber security and also how the company dealt with the attack

•You must directly incorporate a minimum of four credible, relevant sources of information. One of your sources may be an interview (in person or via telephone, email, or other media) with a credible, relevant expert. Executive summary must be included in this report, and also table of content.

•Since this is a research report, the majority of content must be cited from credible and relevant research sources; personal opinions and experiences of the report author(s) should not be included.

Reference no: EM133617846

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