Reference no: EM133718839
Many of us are aware of how our data is compiled and used to our advantage. We have smart speakers or smart devices listening to our voices, capturing what we search and presenting it to us at a later date or using it to determine our future needs. With a smart speaker, the device can be listening to our needs and making recommendations based on the words it has heard and ingested. As an example, if you say, "I need to order more dogfood", do you ever notice later, advertisements of dogfood appear in social media or on Amazon when you log in? When we think of this type of data, many of us do not think that data is important to secure. Big data is helping us improve our lives, but is it also storing information we may not want to have out there? From Facebook to Google, will our data be used against us when we apply for a new career position?
What about Protected Health Information (PHI)? In 1996, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was established to address the use and disclosure of individuals' health information called Protected Health Information (PHI). This rule was designed to permit the important use of information while protecting our personal data in the medical world. From diseases we may have had to our genetic makeup, we have the right to own and secure our information. Do we also have the right to secure other types of data?
Discussion Topic
Big data is king in today's online activities. Have you ever heard of the term FAAMG? It stands for the big five in the corporate world, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and Google. These companies comprise much of the big data that has been evolving with us over the past few decades.
In your original post, answer the following:
How do we secure or protect our valuable assets?
Do Facebook and Google own our data?
What examples of ethics must be considered when utilizing big data within our organizations?
Should we allow Amazon Devices like Alexa to be in a hospital setting to help physicians dictate and document your clinical visit?
These private matters must be very secure. How best should we consider automation to assist clinicians in the healthcare setting if we do not allow Internet of Healthcare Devices?