How do we extract it from the plant and describe in detail

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Reference no: EM133205844 , Length: 1 page.

Discussion Post: Management

For This Forum:

1. You are to find a plant product that we use every day, and do not pick one that your classmates have already chosen.

2. Make sure to include the product name in the title of your forum post so that others can quickly see what you have chosen.

3. Do some research and address the following:

a. From what plant does your product come? Include the common and scientific name (properly formatted).

b. What is the product? What does it do? How do we extract it from the plant. Describe in detail.

c. What is the primary use: medicinal, ceremonial, etc.?

d. Are there commercial fields for the plant? Where?

e. Are there any substitutes for your product? If there is no information, feel free to take an educated guess and support it.

f. What is the most fascinating thing you learned about your product?

Reference no: EM133205844

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