How do we determine and use the critical values in deciding

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM133425758

Question 1: What is autocorrelation? What are the consequences of pure autocorrelation for multiple regression models estimated by OLS? Use an example to illustrate your answer.

Question 2: Describe the steps involved in obtaining a Durbin Watson test statistic for the detection of autocorrelation by hand from a time series OLS regression model. What conditions need to be met in order to perform the test? How do we determine and use the critical values in deciding whether signi?cant autocorrelation is present? Use an example to illustrate your answer.

Reference no: EM133425758

Questions Cloud

What is the concept of co-creation : What is the concept of "co-creation?" How does it impact our understanding of messages? How do the rules we learn as children influence the "creation process"?
Identify the types of service system : Select a company you are familiar with, such as your own employer or a public company that you know you can find customer service data on.
What was the most challenging part of listening : What was going through your head when you heard statements you disagreed with? What was the most challenging part of listening?
Which character in this film do you think is the most : In the film Whiplash (2014) Which character in this film do you think is the most competent communicator based on the traits we discussed?
How do we determine and use the critical values in deciding : How do we determine and use the critical values in deciding whether signi?cant autocorrelation is present? Use an example to illustrate your answer
What image of that culture was created in your mind : What was the one thing that Adichie said which really resonated with you? What did you think or realize? Listen to what Adichie says about her experiences
Do you think in practice we make decision by comparing : Do you think in practice we make decision by comparing marginal utility per dollar spend every time through careful calculation, intentionally
Discuss your perspectives on the three personal attributes : which you provide a critical analysis as detailed in the instructions to follow, and (b) a value-added response to another student's primary discussion posting.
What is it about the approach curriculum that makes you want : What is it about the approach/curriculum that makes you want to use it? What knowledge do you currently have that would allow you to be successful in teaching


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