Reference no: EM133410594
Questions: To create project roadmap for our project with the below specified components to ensure all parties agree on the research elements.
To ensure an understanding of the development of the research problem, objectives and process has been effectively obtained by all students.
Overview of Non-Traditional Learning
Global events like the pandemic have forced many of us to learn new skills - from making pasta, fixing a faucet to tie-dying T shirts. That is, we have been investing in new skill sets.
Similarly, there have been a number of recent trends in higher education. In terms of lifestyle, more learners are working full time, possibly the caretaker of a family and not necessarily in the 18-24 age bracket. People are moving toward flexible and agile learning experiences.
In higher education, learners are forging direct links between their education and their careers. Short courses and short form credentials are gaining in popularity. This type of learning tends to focus on specific skills, is convenient and hyper-focused. The expected payoff for the investment in education is career mobility. Accordingly, employers will need to support the 'new normal' - continuous learning.
In light of these trends, higher education providers need to be very tuned in to the needs of the employers in the market place - what skills are they looking for? They also need to understand their paying customers (students/learners) - how do they wish to consume their education?
How do the agents of socialization shape
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How have arab-americans been historically classified
: How have Arab-Americans been historically classified racially? How does this compare to how they have been treated in the US? Using the readings from the class
How do they wish to consume their education
: To create project roadmap for our project with the below specified components to ensure all parties agree on the research elements.
Write version of the function of man
: Relying on that discussion and other aspects of the work, write your own version of "The Function of Man."
What causal mechanisms are most relevant
: Describe the demographic characteristics of this group including size, recent growth, and geographic concentration
What do you believe the juicer mission is
: explain, in simple and concise terms, its purpose for being. Referring to the case, what do you believe "The Juicer's" mission is? What key question does
Breach of condition and breach of warranty
: What is the difference between breach of condition and breach of warranty? What is the role of consideration in contract?