Reference no: EM133489279
Answer the following questions about a character you create:
Question A. What's their name?
Question B. Where are they from? Do they still live there? Why?
Question C. Height? Weight? Fitness?
Question A. What do they do as a job? A hobby?
Question B. What are their responsibilities? Why?
Question C. How do they dress? Why? Is/are there certain clothes or items they favor?
Question D. If it's a modern character, how do they interact with technology? Do they have social media accounts? Do they have the latest cell phone? Is that important to them?
Question E. Do they have religious beliefs? How closely do they follow them?
Question F. How do they feel about education? Did they do well in school? Do they like to read?
Question G. Are they clever? Serious all the time? What personality always comes through?
Question H. Where have they succeeded and failed?
Question I. How do they dress?
Question J. What do they feel strongly about? What do they not care about?
Question K. What do they want out of life? Why?