Reference no: EM13926485
1. Day Reporting Centers
Write a 750-1000 word paper in APA style which explores the following questions:
• Research a day reporting center in your state. What is the goal of the day reporting center?
• How do they achieve their goals and functions?
• Are Day Reporting Centers considered a "nominal sanction"? Why or why not?
In your paper, include a title sheet and 3-4 cited references to support your ideas. Only one reference may be found on the internet. Only the body of the paper will count toward the word requirement and the references must be cited, both in the body of your essay and in a references page.
2. Hacker or Supporter
Answer ONE of the following questions:
In a 2-4 page paper, critique the case of Julian Assange, who created the Web site Wikileaks. Is Assange a glorified hacker and threat to national and international security or is he a supporter for human rights and freedom of speech?
Paper 3. Intensive Aftercare
Write a 500-750 word paper in APA style which explores the following questions:
• What is intensive aftercare?
• Are such alternative sanctions effective at reducing recidivism? Why or why not?
In your paper, include a title sheet and 2-3 cited references to support your ideas. Only one reference may be found on the internet.
Only the body of the paper will count toward the word requirement and the references must be cited, both in the body of your essay and in a references page.