How do these framings center whiteness

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133524004


From the podcast, How "Most Livable Cities" Lists Center Upwardly Moblie White Professionals

Answer the questions below:

1. How is the "livability" of cities typically framed in the media?

2. How do these framings center whiteness?

3. Whose interests are reflected in "most livable cities" lists?

4. What does the hosts' description of Robert Moses's work tell us about what it means to make a city "livable?"

5. Why do the hosts argue that "most livable cities" lists are racially biased?

6. What sorts of conditions lead the media to make claims about cities "dying?

7. What does Jawanza argue is central to determining who matters in cities?

8 What people does Jawanza argue should be centered in cities?

Reference no: EM133524004

Questions Cloud

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How do these framings center whiteness : How is the "livability" of cities typically framed in the media? How do these framings center whiteness?
What does jacobs blame for the downfall of cities : Who/what does Jacobs blame for the downfall of cities? Why are old buildings important in cities?
Whose interests are typically centered in cities : From the podcast, How "Most Livable Cities" Lists Center Upwardly Moblie White Professionals, and the documentary, City Limits.
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