How do these central questions apply to the marketplace

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Reference no: EM133475080

Discussion Post: Economics and the Higher Education Marketplace

Discuss the 3 central questions that economists ask to better understand decision makers' behaviors (described in Chapter 2 in Toutkoushian and Paulsen). How do these central questions apply to the marketplace of higher education? Include at least 2 in-text citations to support your points. In this course, the assignments build up to a case study in which you will provide detailed institutional information, key performance indicators, and budgeting data. Identify an institution that you would like to study. Which institution did you select, and what general information can you share (founding year, public/private control, highest degree offered, and total enrollment)?

Reference no: EM133475080

Questions Cloud

Read rent control and agricultural price supports : Read Rent Control and Agricultural Price Supports: Case Studies in Government Failure (in Stiglitz and Rosengard, 2015, p. 211).
What are the emerging issues that may impact : What are the emerging issues that may impact the workforce needs of Abacus Accounting and Provide definintion of environment scan and its importance
What is difference between equity and equality in education : What is the difference between equity and equality in education? How do you reconcile equality versus equity in public education today?
Who are the major players in foreign policy decision making : Who are the major players in foreign policy decision making, and how do interagency relationships impact national security policy?
How do these central questions apply to the marketplace : How do these central questions apply to the marketplace of higher education? Include at least 2 in-text citations to support your points.
Similarities and differences between u.s. gaap and igaap : Describe some of the similarities and differences between U.S. GAAP and iGAAP with respect to the accounting for property, plant, and equipment and intangible
Discuss tension and conflicting interests of social spending : Discuss the tension and conflicting interests of social spending that targets the elderly versus that which benefits children and young people
Describe the importance of judicial independence : Describe the importance of judicial independence, but also explain why judicial oversight is necessary.
What apples organization process for identifying opportunity : What is Apple's organization's process for identifying new strategic opportunities? Discuss how effective this process is and how you think it could be improved


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