Reference no: EM133746780
Homework: Education Article Writing Essay
The structure of your essay
This homework can be structured however you wish andshould include references and possibly images of the text'syou are analysing (if these are available online, for example from YouTube, then please include a link to access them). Soif you are analysing a film or longer text, then choose a short section of this, and briefly describe it in the essay (you may also want to include a few screen captures).
When planning your homework, you should consider the following (which might also help you to structure your homework):
1) Briefly describe your texts, including where they are from and who they are produced by (remember though that the essay should not be too descriptive).
2) Think about the reasons why the texts have been produced
3) Why have you chosen the particular texts?
4) What discussions have you had with your peers about the selection?
5) Be explicit (i.e. show clearly in your writing) about the ways both texts are shaped by or show evidence of the psy-disciplines and how these intersect with development.
6) Explore what assumptions the texts make: what kind of development is depicted; what message does the text construct about ‘normality'; what kind of subject or person does the text construct?
7) What kinds of developmental theories or ideas do the texts use and/or produce?
8) How do these texts relate to wider literature and research on your chosen topic?
9) How do these texts relate to your own experiences and expertise?
10) Think about what the texts ‘do': what might be the implications of the texts for children, families, school and/or communities?
Topics you could consider include (but are not limited to):
1) Mental health
2) Learning differences
3) Gender
4) Language
5) sleep
6) Digital environments
7) Disability studies
8) Race
9) Family dynamics
10) Psychological perspective you might consider include:
11) Behaviourism
12) Psychodynamic theories
13) Cognitive Psychology
14) Constructivism
15) Maturation or evolutionary psychology
16) Humanistic perspectives
17) Feminist psychology
18) Critical psychology
19) Cognitive psychology