Reference no: EM132191863
Prepare: How does one define activism? There is not just one definition as there as varity of ways in which to engage in activism. Activists engage in face to face conversations as well as massive protests.
The line between conventional politics and activism can be blurred, however, activism usually sits outside conventional politics and entails individuals who are passionate, innovative, energetic, and committed who engage in organizing, protest marches, and sit-ins.
While most activists come from positions of very little power, activism can begin by those who have a lot to lose by change. Yet, activism pushes boundaries and can rouse strong feelings for or against activist agendas.
There are various types of activist activity. Speeches, slogans, banners, picketing, protest disrobings, vigils, singing, marches, and teach-ins reflect the power of persuasion and are consider nonviolent action.
Other types of nonviolent action are noncooperation and intervention, such as religious excommunication and disobeying social customs to sit-ins, nonviolent occupations, and setting up alternative economic and political institutions.
But not all activism is non-violent. Violent activism is usually non authorized and is carried by freedom fighters or terrorists, however, it is not associated with traditional activism.
The majority of activists join groups that range from small to large and local to global. Groups provided advantages, such as gaining greater attention as well as members.
Groups can give support and provided solidarity. However, there can be miscommunication, power struggles, and conflicts within the groups, but a strong group can manage these day to day ups and downs. Technology and social media has become an integral part of activism.
Today, activists groups can be found on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, while continuing to use traditional methods, such as mailers, telephone calls, and public visits.
Please view the required two videos and the article on activism. At the same time, please find one video and an article on activism or particular activists.
You may choose videos, newspapers, government websites, magazines, but do not choose questionable websites, such as Wikipedia.
Feel free to choose sources that are focused on your chosen country for the final project.
Reflect: As you read the sources and watch the videos, consider the following:
How do the sources help you understand activism?
What are the political issues that activists face, while seeking to change policies?
Write: Besides passion, what is necessary to become knowledgeable about activists causes? Is all activism political?
What traits do you find in activism geared toward health and the environment?
Guided Response: Your initial post should be at least 300 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.