How do the media generally portray identity group

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Reference no: EM132828986

Discussion 1: Describe the system of stratification for that identity in the United States.

The system stratification of the body difference comes to us in the form of racial differences in the United States. When a woman is obese in American, they are considered fat, not to be looked at anything else but that. Some people assume that because you are of larger size that all you do is eat and are lazy when that is not the case. But the thinner you are your most valued then a woman that is heavier. The negative attitudes that people get from being overweight is widespread situation.

Discussion 2: How do the media generally portray this identity group? Do the media representations convey any messages about which members of this group society values most?

Media play a vital role in everything that goes on to how you look, the size of your body, to the latest trends. The media perceive that thin is the ideal look for a woman to become successful and places great importance on how women should look. The media is platform for women to seek out images of what they want to look like, and to search for diet and exercise advice and a outlet through which women can perform comparisons with their peers and celebrities As everyone knows every commercial that you watch for a new product, they put the face of a smaller woman instead of a heavier on. Even though the most casual glimpse at the portrayal of modern women in U. S. advertising, fashion, television, music videos, and films reveal a dual stereotype (Sidel,1990). As people we construct our identities through the media images. And when the media exposes our young girl to the ideal of what a woman should look like this makes them not happy with their bodies. And once one is not happy with their body, they start doing plastic surgery and alterations to the body.

Discussion 3: Explain how the media representations either reinforce or challenge the associated stratification system.

When it comes to media this is where everyone goes to find the latest trends. People relies on media for the newest products, fashion, and news it runs the world. I believe that media challenges the stratification of body size. Through media the society depicts it standards of beauty putting lots of pressure on young girls and how they should look. What the media wants us to believe is that your beautiful only if you are thin. Some media is a negative image for our young girls because leads to stat to body shame themselves that can lead to unhealthy disorders. Most often we do not look at our body problem as a personal issue the problem comes from the pressure of the media and society.

Discussion 4: What beauty ideals do the media in the United States reinforce for men? For women?

As Americans we are confronted with what the images of handsome men and beautiful women are supposed to look like. It is all pressure and unrealistic that all men must have a six pack for ab, the muscle arms, and work out 24 hours of the day. Males are also being pressure to be more muscular. It portrasy men to being aggressive and always in charge and the ideal beauty of a women is to be thin, have a nice behind, and big breast, with smooth great skin, it is all just an image of what society wants us to believe. The mass media is the most powerful way to spread these images that represent sociocultural ideals (Tiggemann, 2005). The pressure is heavy when media puts value that all women and men should be this perfect ten. One commercial I can remember is the Mr. Clean commercial the mom is daydreaming, and Mr. Clean comes alive, and they start dancing all provocative, kissing, and then they touch themselves that is to much for a cleaning product.

Discussion 5: Describe one real-life consequence for either men or women who do not meet society's beauty ideals that are reinforced by the media.

A male in the United States faces consequences like being shamed if you are a gay man. Some men feel as thought their masculinity is being question if they are gay. Like in sports because if you are gay it is assumed that you're not man enough to play any sports. Society at times can make it hard for one to be who they are. When one is gay it can cause them not to be hire because of the way of them dressing in female clothing. It is sad how America is subject to shaming those who are not the ideal person of society."

Reference no: EM132828986

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