How do the dynamics of a traditional afghan marriage

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133614757

Problem A. When Baba visits the doctor, he finds that the doctor has a Russian name and refuses to receive treatment from him. How does he justify this? Do you agree with him? Explain.

Problem B. Explain the process Afghanis go through before they are able to marry. Amir and Soraya had to speed this up a bit due to Baba's failing health, but there are parts of the book that explain the long process.

Problem C. Soraya overhears two middle-aged women speaking negatively about her at a wedding. What do they say about Soraya's past? Do you think that this is truly as "shameful" as it's made out to be? Explain.

Problem D. If Soraya and Amir were able to have a child, do you think Amir would be a good father? Explain.

Problem E. As explained by Amir, how do the dynamics of a traditional Afghan marriage differ from a traditional American marriage? Explain in DETAIL or you will not receive full credit.

Reference no: EM133614757

Questions Cloud

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