Reference no: EM131507748
Journal Entry Assignments
Use some type of notebook or blue book for your entries. All of your journal entries can be hand written, however they should be free of spelling and grammatical errors and easy to read. It is recommended that you keep up with all of your journal entries as we go through each section. This is important for two reasons: First, you will have it ideas or concepts we discussed in class fresh in your mind, therefore making t easier to respond. Second, I will be collecting the journals twice during the semester for grading.
Entry #6 Listening
1. The text book discusses different types of ineffective listening. Which two are you most likely to participate? Share examples of each. What would you do differently in each situation?
2. If you could pick a "model" of a good listener what who would it be? Why? What makes this person an effective listener??
Entry #7: Emotions
1. Relate four incidents in which you experience communication related debilitative emotions. These can be either mild or extreme (ex. Getting ready for a job interview, presentation, etc.)
2. For each incident record the self talk that led to the emotion experienced (ex. `I'm not ready for this test" or "I'm going to blow this interview."
3. identity the fallacy that relates to the Self talk recorded (ex. Catastrophic expectations, over generalization, helplessness. etc...)
4. Provide conclusions for each incident.
Entry #8: Emotions
Consider on of your most important relationships. Begin by identifying the individual and briefly describing the relationship. Then, use the principles in the chapters to analyze this relationship.
1. Consider the variables of why we form relationships (attraction. similarity complementarily, proximity. etc.) How did these variables function in the beginning of your relationship? How do the variables function now that you have a more established relationship?
2. Discuss your relationship in terms of Knapp's stages of Coming Together! Apart. How did you move from one stage to another? Where are you now? What tells you this?
3. How do the dialectical tensions function in this relationship? Give at least two specific examples and describe how you managed the tension?
4. What role does self-disclosure play in this relationship? Why do you self-disclose (eh 10) What benefits have you found in self-disclosure in this relationship? How important is honesty in this relationship? Do you ever use 'alternatives- to self-disclosure (white lies, equivocation, hinting?) What are the results of such behavior? Give specific examples.
5. How would you describe the 'social penetration' of this relationship?
6. What is your satisfaction in the relationship? What could / should be changed? What is your prediction for the future?
Entry #9 responding non-defensively
When we perceive that others are attacking our self-concept we tend to respond defensively. Responding defensively often lowers the quality of communication. Dining this next week when you find yourself feeling defensive, stop and consciously decide to respond non defensively. In your journal respond to the following:
1. First, describe two situations in which you tried to respond non defensively and what yetylid to be non defensive.
2. Analyze the Influence of the use of this skill on the quality of communication which occurred.
Entry #10 Conflict
During the next week. consciously try to use the skills for managing conflict constructively in at least one conflict situation you are involved in. Describe the situation. how you tried to manage it constructively, and the influence your skill had on the quality of the communication. Remember to use one of the conflict management skills discussed in class.