Reference no: EM132832952
Assignment: Clinical Field Experience C: 520
Planning Instructional Units
Proper classroom planning will keep teachers organized and on track. Planning instructional units will help teachers determine how to assess their students' knowledge and skill development. As an instructional leader, it is not only imperative to understand the importance of planning, but also to share the information with teachers.
Interview at least two teachers regarding unit planning.
Consider but do not limit the interviews to the following:
• Why is it important to plan and prepare classroom instruction?
• How do teachers work together to plan units?
• How do they use technology to collaborate while planning or to communicate best practices in planning?
• How do the teachers embody high expectations for student learning?
• How do the teachers ensure that content and learning objectives are met?
• How do the teachers ensure that lessons are aligned to the state academic standards?
• How are instructional strategies and technology incorporated into their units?
• How do the teachers incorporate the school's vision and goals into their units?
Use any remaining field experience hours to observe and/or assist the principal mentor.(Document the locations and hours you spend in the field on your Clinical Field Experience Verification Form.Submit the Clinical Field Experience Verification Form to the LMS in the last topic)
Complete a 500-word reflection on your experiences. Incorporate PSEL Standard 4 into your reflection, along with any additional PSEL standards as you see fit, and describe how you will apply what you have learned to your future professional practice.
APA style format