How do people meet and greet-what rules cover meetings

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Reference no: EM13329877

How do people meet and greet?

. There are several greeting styles in South Africa depending upon the ethnic heritage of the person you are meeting.

. When dealing with foreigners, most South Africans shake hands while maintaining eye contact and smiling.

. Some women do not shake hands and merely nod their head, so it is best to wait for a woman to extend her hand.

. Men may kiss a woman they know well on the cheek in place of a handshake.

. Greetings are leisurely and include time for social discussion and exchanging pleasantries.

What customs are related to gift gifting giving?

In general, South Africans give gifts for birthdays and Christmas.

. Two birthdays - 21 and 40 - are often celebrated with a large party in which a lavish gift is given. It is common for several friends to contribute to this gift to help defray the cost.

. If you are invited to a South African's home, bring flowers, good quality chocolates, or a bottle of good South African wine to the hostess.

. Wrapping a gift nicely shows extra effort.

. Gifts are opened when received.

What rules govern dining?

If you are invited to a South African's house:

. Arrive on time if invited to dinner.

. Contact the hostess ahead of time to see if she would like you to bring a dish.

. Wear casual clothes. This may include jeans or pressed shorts. It is a good idea to check with the hosts in advance.

. In Johannesburg, casual is dressier than in other parts of the country. Do not wear jeans or shorts unless you have spoken to the hosts.

. Offer to help the hostess with the preparation or clearing up after a meal is served.

What rules cover meetings?

Appointments are necessary and should be made as far in advance as possible.

. It may be difficult to arrange meetings with senior level managers on short notice, although you may be able to do so with lower-level managers.

. It is often difficult to schedule meetings from mid December to mid January or the two weeks surrounding Easter, as these are prime vacation times.

. Personal relationships are important. The initial meeting is often used to establish a personal rapport and to determine if you are trustworthy.

. After a meeting, send a letter summarizing what was decided and the next steps.

What rules govern dress for women and men?

African clothing is the traditional clothing, often vibrantly coloured, worn by the indigenous peoples of Africa. In some instances these traditional garments have been replaced by western clothing introduced by European colonialists.

What rules govern the behaviour of men and women?

The handshake is the most common greeting. There are a variety of handshakes between ethnic groups.

Use titles and surnames to address people.

Appointments should be made starting at 9 a.m.

Do not rush deals. South Africans are very casual in their business dealings.

Business cards have no formal exchange protocol.

South Africans prefer a "win-win" situation.

Who pays when business people a share a meal or go for some entertainment?

Usually the one who does the inviting pays the bill.

What rules govern thanking a host etc.

If invited to a home or if you are hosted in any way, thanks and compliments may be denied; nevertheless, it is important to state humble thanks, and to accept thanks graciously.

What rules cover alcohol?

Typically, beer and other alcoholic drinks may also be served: fruit juices and lemonades, along with tea, may accompany meals.

What words, gestures etc. should not be used and which ones should be used?

A general rule of thumb to live by when in Africa is to avoid taking or passing anything with your left hand. Objects are to be handled or passed with the right or both hands, but never the left hand, as this is considered the unclean hand (the hand used for personal hygiene). Do not eat, shake hands, gesture "hello" or give someone something with your left hand as it is seen as something used to do dirty things. It is this belief that informs the African proverb, “You do not use the left hand to point the way to your father's village”, which means: use respect when you gesture and learn to appreciate and admire what you have.

Displaying the sole of your foot: Particularly among Muslim cultures, and other groups who traditionally sit on the floor, it is improper to allow the sole of your foot to point at another person. As the bottom of the shoe touches the ground, it is considered to be the dirtiest part of the body. If you find yourself in this setting, avoid showing the soles of your shoe to anyone as it is considered by some to be rude and insulting. Best advice is to sit with your feet flat on the floor.

The “Thumbs up”: Throughout West Africa, the thumb lying on the index finger of a vertical fist with arm extended is equivalent to the American “middle finger”; insult is emphasized by motioning the thumb up (like “thumbs-up”) and down repeatedly.

Harsh disagreement with an older person: If you have a difference with someone who is elderly, try to refrain from harsh disagreement, especially in public. Keep in mind that Africans are very conscious of age and status differences. Being sensitive to someone’s age or seniority in an organization guides the way people communicate or interact with one another. For example, a younger person may be more able and competent than an older person, and everybody may recognize that, but the younger will still show deference to the older. Not only does this serve as job security for the younger, but it also keeps the elder from publicly losing ‘face’. To use their skill set effectively, a savvy subordinate employee will find more tactful means to deliver their message. So instead of resorting to harsh disagreement with a person of senior status, which may be misinterpreted as personal attack rather than constructive criticism, try instead to use subtleties and express differences with sensitivity.

Reference no: EM13329877

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