Reference no: EM133486461
Question Explain what you think Plato was trying to explain to you. Use the following questions for guidance inyour writing.
Question 1. Study this illustration of Plato's cave. What represents reality? What represents somethingwe falsely believe to be true? In terms of the metaphor about the cave, what kind of actionwould represent education
Question 2. What happens to a person when first emerging from the cave? Would they be able to seeright away? Can someone immediately adjust to the light? What does this imply about howpeople might respond to a college education?
Question 3. How do others respond to those who try to leave the cave? If you change your mind onimportant issues while in college, how might friends and family react?
Question 4. What does the light of the fire represent? What does the sun represent?
Question 5. What does Plato mean when he says, "education is not in reality what some people proclaimit to be in their professions"? How does Plato's view of education differ? What is the "art"Plato refers to that allows the "speediest and most effective" way of getting out of the cave?
Question 6. Summarize why you think Plato sees education as a profound transformation. What are thesources of resistance to seeing something new. According to this view of education, whymight your experience at University be painful or challenging? Why might such a pain orchallenge be worth it?