How do organizations generally deploy samm model

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM133207204 , Length: Wrod Count: 600 words.

Assignment: IT Security and Policies

Question One

Write a standard operating procedure (SOP) in hierarchical format for setting up a new account on an organization website.

Question Two

Cybersecurity helps organizations to avoid attacks. It also helps to mitigate the risks if an attack occurs. For instance, network segmentation plays a vital role in reducing the risk of a cyber breach by isolating it. Explain the following:

What does network segmentation mean; compare it to its flat network counterpart.

Mention at least two of the best practices for network segmentation (i.e., what should be considered when segmenting an organization's network)?

Question Three

Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM) is an open framework to help organizations formulate and implement security policy for an organization. Answer the following questions regarding SAMM:

a. How do organizations generally deploy SAMM Model?

b. Is SAMM a descriptive model or prescriptive model? Write the rationale behind your answer.

Question Four

Block Ciphers are a class of Encryption Algorithms. Describe Block Cipher in your own words and explain working of one block cipher algorithms currently available.

Reference no: EM133207204

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