How do microorganisms acquire antibiotic resistance

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133650076

Question: Expantiate on the following questions
What is the problem with unnecessarily prescribing antibiotics?
What are some solutions to this problem?
How can the information in this article help you to be a better healthcare worker?
What are the major problems antibiotics highlighted in the articles?
What are the major historical moments in antibiotic history?
What are superbugs and super resistance, and why are they a major problem for human health?
In general, how do microorganisms acquire antibiotic resistance?

Reference no: EM133650076

Questions Cloud

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Describe the danger of professionals relying on just one way : Provide an example. Then, describe the danger of professionals relying on just one way of knowing. What might be a consequence of this reliance?
How does hiv-1 evade host defenses : Discuss how IV-1 can tun the immune system against itself by using processes that are essential for immune function to spread and maintain the viral infection
How do microorganisms acquire antibiotic resistance : What is the problem with unnecessarily prescribing antibiotics? What are some solutions to this problem and how do microorganisms acquire antibiotic resistance
Define what constitutes an ethical dilemma : Define what constitutes an ethical dilemma. Identify the Code of Ethics that applies to the ethical dilemma you described.
What drugs are resistant to candida : why would candida become antibiotic resistant and what kind of infections candida create - what can we do as consumers to combat the spread of candida
Explain systems implementation phase to the project team : Describe application development process involved in the systems implementation phase including coding, testing, documentation, and implementation planning.
What does the phenotype of the transformed colonies tell you : What does the phenotype of the transformed colonies tell you? (Bacterias were transformed to be resistant to ampicilin)


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