How do make them accountable for cyber policy enforcement

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM133432679


On proper security procedures but how do we make them accountable for proper cyber policy enforcement? More cyber laws are currently not working. Do we need more penalties in these cyber laws, policies, and procedures?

Reference no: EM133432679

Questions Cloud

Summarizes the legal environment for your business sector : What interactions does the business have with local government? For example, does your business sector operate as part of a city or county function?
What corporate strategies does wal-mart : What corporate strategies does Wal-Mart use to compete in its industry: differentiation, integration, diversification, marketing, pricing, etc
Discuss some of the central themes in the film : Discuss some of the central themes in the film. How is the director Bong Joon Ho able to capture this theme using visual elements/cinematically?
What is the annual rate of return : The present value of a payment is $4000. The future value of that payment in five years will be $4800. What is the annual rate of return
How do make them accountable for cyber policy enforcement : More cyber laws are currently not working. Do we need more penalties in these cyber laws, policies, and procedures?
Buddhism has been used to legitimate political authority : Discuss the ways in which Buddhism has been used to legitimate political authority among the Thai and Burmese.
Discuss abstract for park chunghee : Discuss an abstract for the Park chunghee ( past South Korean President) administration interms of history, economy and policies
Determine the contribution margin ratio : Determine the contribution margin ratio, the unit contribution margin, and (c) operating income - Sally Company sells 16,000 units at $47 per unit
What does about the actual costs of complex cyber-litigation : The litigation in the Yahoo! case took approximately six years and involved multiple appeals and some related criminal proceedings.


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