How do liberals and conservatives see the world

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Reference no: EM132311005

1. Please view Moyers & Company: How Do Liberals and Conservatives See the World? (57:00) on Films On Demand (30:00). Please post a review of this film. Finally, with information gathered from this film and your perspective can our current political class solve this nation's problems?

2. This film is associated with liberals and conservatives. Bill and his guest Jonathan Haidt talk about the psychological underpinnings of our
contentious culture, why we cannot trust our own opinions, and the demonizing of our adversaries. In the beginning, Bill thinks that American politics is in a state of confusion. As we know. American political parties can be divided into liberals, conservatives, and people in the middle. However, they cannot reach an agreement on one thing. Therefore, Bill concludes that politics does not make America better.
Haidt discusses his book titled "Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion.' He says that morality is a part of our nature, and it makes us do things that we think are good. However, it also makes us do things that we often think are bad. He also talks about group-ish tribalism and he considers that when we stand in the side that we think is good, then we will consider that the other side is evil. Once people think that the opposing side is evil, they will not compromise with evil. As for American political dilemma, he says that three historical things have brought America to the mess it is in, and he makes comments on the two former things. When talking about the differences between liberals and conservatives, he explains that liberals and conservatives have their own definition of fairness, so they cannot understand each other. Besides, some biases prevent people from understanding the other side. In his opinion, liberals and conservatives notice the different parts of politics and systems. Liberals see some parts of the system and where it breaks down, and conservatives see other parts. However, no one side has a total vision or understanding.

Additionally, they also talk about the deeds of Saul Alinsky. Because most Americans know nothing about Alinsky, so Bill explains who Alinsky is and what he does that angers conservatives today.

Actually, I know nothing about American politics because I am new here. I am not interested in American politics, so I may not give some useful and meaningful opinion about this topic. In my opinion, the current political class has a larger chance to solve this nation's problems. As for the same things, different parties look at it from different perspectives, then they may solve it in a more comprehensive method. Seeking common points while reserving difference is a good way to provide suggestions for a political issue. However, the two parties should despite the prejudice and try to consider the opposed opinion. Opposing blindly the opinion of the other side is useless. When necessary, compromising and reaching an agreement is not a bad thing.

3. How Do Liberals and Conservatives See the World? is a film that tries to paint the picture of who and why people on the left and right are who they are. Jonathon Height, a social psychologist, explains the basics of tribalism and why violence is justified depending on which side of the fence you are on. Went on to explain how our political landscape was crafted, stating that it was when the Civil Rights Act was signed. The left sees people on the right blinded by the flag. The right sees people on the left as a handout givers and people who don't truly love America. Both sides practice the demonizing of each other. He explains that if you can paint the picture of your enemy as evil, it can push you to go all out against them. That's the reason there is very few compromise.

Towards the middle the conversation is basically about us, the people. People will cheat. People will justify wrong or right. Also, Google can give you any evidence which takes away one of our key argument points of finding evidence to support or go against a claim. One thing that was great, he stated that reasoning doesn't necessarily give you the truth. Also, both sides, not just the right like some tend to think, are blind to evidence. Then he went on and on about tax dollars and why the conservative base is so a nti-t axes; it's because they don't trust the government to spend their funds correctly.

Absolutely not, I think we are broken. Now I don't want to get into which side I support, I will just say that I don't want our politicians to become low-brow bullies. I don't want our politicians to talk to each other or us with such disrespect that they sound like someone at the bar. Until we realize how important it is not just for us, but also our standing in the world, for our leaders to have some respect for the office.

4. This video How Do Liberals and Conservatives See the World? is about the dynamic between the right, left and middle parties. These parties have been clashing heads for decades, demanding that they are right and the other is wrong and refusing to admit faults. Meanwhile our country is in deep trouble with trillions of dollars in debt from the Bush administration tax cuts. As our country has continued to sink these political parties have only demonized each other more and promoted that the opposite party is at fault. Instead of trying to find solutions for our nations fast rising issues the political parties been distracted with terrorizing the opposing parties. From the distractions branches a form of competition that has nothing to do with the government, but more of self esteem. With that being said it has left all political parties with a hindered ability to problem solve and govern. Disfunction, rage and unprofessionalism has been a constant theme between conservative and liberal parties. The TED talk by Johnathan Haidt explains that group tribal isms is a form of comfort and survival but once one sees the divide in morals opposing sides are seen as evil. People then take any action, whether that be breaking the law or using manipulation to stop this so called evil that they see. This is a good explanation for politics and the ethics behind political parties. A party's opinion is seen as evil when it displays a different moral belief. The label of "evil" in a party's belief is branched from the tribal side of war and how one is meant to fight against one another in order to survive because there can only be one to thrive on this planet. I think all of Johnathan'a beliefs align with present day politics and how different political parties create more rage in the world instead of peace.

From my perspective I do not see our current political class solving our nations problems. Our nation at the moment has been more divided than ever and the political parties have become so competitive that no party can really take a chance to hear the other one out. The only way I see our political class being able to solve our country's issues if there is initiative taken to compromise with one another for the greater good of our nation. Serious effort needs to be made between parties to work together as a combined force instead of using wasted energy on fighting over issues.

There has been no initiative taken to work together as a team to effectively problem solve.

Reference no: EM132311005

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