How do leaders retain talented employees in the food service

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133549074

Question: To address this problem of increasing voluntary employee turnover in restaurants the learner proposes a qualitative case study. The purpose of the study is to explore how leaders in the food service industry promote employee engagement. To validate the data, the learner proposes triangulation of three data sources: five interviews, one focus group discussion of 10 individuals, and a review of six company web pages. Fortunately, the learner has obtained both individual consents and organizational permissions to obtain this data for her study. The interviews and the focus group will be comprised of leaders in the food service industry, and the company web pages will be of organizations whose primary business activities are in the food service industry. Guiding her study, the learner provides as a research question: how do leaders retain talented employees in the food service industry? To what extent should this proposal be approved? Why or Why not?

Reference no: EM133549074

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