How do interest groups influence public policy

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Reference no: EM13860218

How do interest groups influence public policy?
What is a collective action problem; free rider problem?
What are selective benefits?
Interest groups and their representation/mediation roles
What are the different types of interests groups and what are examples of each: Public interest groups; economic interest groups, ideological groups, issue interest groups
What is Grassroots lobbying? Astroturf lobbying? Indirect lobbying?
Iron triangles
How lobbying congress differs from lobbying executive branch
Corporate welfare including corporate tax breaks, tariffs and trade barriers, subsidies
What are professional associations?
Federalist Paper #10 and factions

What are the difficulties facing 3rd parties in the US electoral system?
What do 3rd parties do in the US and why do people support them?
What do libertarians, populists, liberals and conservatives believe in?
What is Duverger's Law?
Proportional representation system
Winner take all system
Median voter
When is voter turnout highest? What sorts of elections?
What are political parties and what do they do?
Voter party identification - how do people acquire their party identification?
What is the Responsible party model?
What are political party machines?
What were the progressive era reforms and what did they come in response to?
Party platform
Party conventions
What is divided government and why does divided government exist?
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
What determines presidential election outcomes?
What is public financing of presidential campaigns; how does it work and do presidential candidates use it anymore?
What are the battleground states and why?
Stump speeches
Negative campaign ads
What are open and closed primaries? What are caucuses?
Individual donations to campaigns - how big are they?
Super PACs
527 Groups and 501(c)(4) groups - key differences and similarities
What does the Federal Elections Commission do?
Packing and cracking and redistricting
What is incumbency?
Texas primary system
Voter turnout in Texas
Cost of election campaigns in Texas

Reference no: EM13860218

Questions Cloud

Watch a tv show and read online what someone else : watch a TV show and read online what someone else
Assumptions of the median voter model hold : “If the assumptions of the median voter model hold, then using majority voting to determine the amount of a public good purchased by a city will lead to either an efficient level of the public good being provided or an under-provision of the public g..
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Consider a country that produces shirts and autos : Consider a country that produces shirts and autos. Shirts are produced with sewing machines (specific factor) and labor while autos are produced using robots (specific factor) and labor. Labor is mobile between industries. Show how going to internati..
How do interest groups influence public policy : How do interest groups influence public policy? What is a collective action problem; free rider problem?
Allocation of delectable resource over two periods : Consider the allocation of a delectable resource over two periods. There are Qbar=4 units of the stock available. The total benefits derived from using the resource are defined as TBt= 20qt- (1/2qt^2) and the total cost of extracting the resource is ..
Economic and accounting concepts of cost : What are the differences between economic and accounting concepts of cost? T or F If a firm is making economic profits, then it must also be making normal profits. How are prices determined under perfect competition?
What assumption of binomial distribution might not be valid : For this situation, what assumption of the binomial distribution might not be valid? What do you think is the probability that the stock market will rise.
Capitalist system relies on theoretical model : The U.S. capitalist system relies on a theoretical model, the circular flow model, with three basic elements interacting together to ensure that our needs and wants are provided. The three sectors are (a) consumer, (b) business, and (c) government


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