Reference no: EM131365531
Object Modeling
The SCR Associates case study is a web-based simulation that allows you to practice your skills in a real-world environment. The firm offers IT consulting, solutions and training. SCR plans to open a new high-tech training center, and needs to develop a Training Information Management System (TIMS) to support the center. You are a newly hired systems analyse reporting to Jesse. Baker, systems group manager, and will help her develop the system. The case. study rakes you co the SCR web sire, where you receive e-mail and voice ma il messages from Jesse, obtain information from SCR's resource libraries, and perform various casks. Jesse has high standards, but seems very fair. She made it clear char she expects your work co be accurate, thorough, and professional.
Before You Begin
To prepare for this work session, you should review the following topics:
• Use case, class, sequence, and state-transition diagrams
How Do I Use the Online Case Simulation?
• Read the preview, and review the Chapter 1 background material if necessary.
• Visit the MIS Course Mate Web sire at, locate the SCR Case Simulation, and click the intranet link. Enter your name and the password sad10e.
• When the opening screen displays, select this session. Then check your e-mail and voice mail, and start to work on your cask list.
Preview: Session 6
In the last session, you used data and process modeling techniques to develop a logical model of the new system. Now you will apply your object modeling skills to create various diagrams and documentation for the new TIMS system. You will review the background material and develop an object-oriented model char includes several types of diagrams.
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Project risk management
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Describe the papers scope and outline the major sections
: Describe three major characteristics of your audience (official position, decision-making power, current view on topic, other important characteristic) - Describe the paper's scope and outline the major sections.
How do i use the online case simulation
: Visit the MIS Course Mate Web sire at, locate the SCR Case Simulation, and click the intranet link. Enter your name and the password sad10e.
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What are ethical considerations in employing such strategies
: How do advertisers use contrast to make sure that their advertisements are noticed? Would the lack of contrast between the advertisement and the medium in which it appears help or hinder the effectiveness of the advertisement?
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: Create a state transition diagram that describes typical student states and how they change based on specific actions and events.