How do human factors influence healthcare errors

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133477068

Question  1. As mentioned In the IDI Louise Botzvideo, how does lack of teamwork, lack of knowledge and lack of technology impact the occurrence of preventable medical errors?Because of the poor communication between doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and family, they don't work together as a team to notify her mom's respiratory depression when using 3 narcotic medications. Lack of knowledge is the family and patients did not have any resources to answer questions. They also ask staff but did not get appropriated answers. Finally, her mom's room only had a PCA machine, there are no oximetry, cardiac monitor, and other vital machines. The lack of technology partly caused a delay to notify her mom's respiratory problem.

Question 2. How do Human Factors Influence healthcare errors? Describe what you have seen In either your professional or personal life.
There are several human factors that can influence healthcare errors, such as emotional stress, lack of motivation, multitasking, high workload, poor communication, and missed patient information on the information system. I have experienced human factors that cause healthcare errors when I was a new nurse. Because of the high workload and multitasking, I missed my patient's blood order during my shift. When I reported to the next-shift nurse, I recognized my missing. Even though this error did not cause serious consequences, I have learned that human factors could lead to medical errors.

Question 3. How can patients and their families be included In the healthcare team and how would this Impact healthcare?
Hospitals should develop resources that patients and their families can assess to find out answers to questions before going into the hospital, while in the hospital, and after discharge. Moreover, the healthcare team including nurses, doctors, and surgeons should work together with patients and their families as a team to detect early abnormal signs/ symptoms. Teamwork will help to prevent medical errors and fix the problems before they come be terrible.

Reference no: EM133477068

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