Reference no: EM131735196
WISE BLOOD by Flannery O'Connor
1) How do Hazel Motes's relationships affect and influence him?
2) What happens to Motes spiritually at the end? Is this "redemption"? If so, how? If so, does it go against everything toward which he's been working? If it's not redemption, what is it?
3) Why does Hazel Motes say that if Jesus existed, he (Hazel) wouldn't be "clean"? In Hazel's thinking, Jesus's existence would mean people have a particular need, and it's a need he doesn't want to have to have. What's that need, and what does it have to do with cleanness or redemption?
4) In what specific ways does Hazel Motes seem to be at odds with the people around him and the society in which he lives?
5) How does Hazel Motes feel about God, Jesus, and sin? Be specific. What accounts for these feelings?