How do films and tv shows influence our level of tolerance

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM131049745

How do films & TV shows influence our level of tolerance and respect towards cultural diversity and ethnicity? Analyze at least 5 TV shows and films.

Do some research, and from scholarly and academic sources related to your topic, create questions that you could later answer regarding the texts you read and analyze, these questions you create have to serve as textual analysis, meaning, it allows you to question the texts you read.

After you create three questions, do some more research and answer them below in the table and your answers have to be medium answers, 5-6 sentences.

Once you finish the data of the table, write a detailed discussion result about each answer for the film or TV show. You should expand your answers more and speak about them in detail.

This paper should not be less than 4 pages. Please submit by Wednesday Midnight and don't forget to include an APA style reference page of all the reliable sources you went through

Key sections of a research paper

Research Question: How do films & TV shows influence our level of tolerance and respect towards cultural diversity and ethnicity? Analyze at least 5 TV shows and films

Table of Contents

1. Abstract / Summary: Clear, logical summary of your paper, typically notmore than one paragraph.

2. Literature Review 3-4 pages: Provides information on existing knowledge related to the topic. It should be structured 3 subtitles thematically. The subtitles could be created from the main research question itself using keywords. Each subtitle/theme has to have reliable academic sources that speak about the same point of the subtitle. From these sources, explain the points of these authors. Start the paragraph by speaking about the author and his/her ideas and findings. The second subtitle has to have different academic sources and points than the first, and so on for the third.Start writing from the broader idea until the narrower.

3. Research Questions/Hypotheses Clearly defines the purpose(s) of the research, what you expect to achieve, and key questions to be answered.

4. Methodology section:

a. Approach/Methods/ and instrument Describes the methods you will use to accomplish your objectives [It will be a qualitative approach, and the instrument will be textual analysis].

b. Population of the study Describes how participants for the research as well as texts will be recruited and the number of participants and textual analysing you think is required in order to adequately answer the research questions.

5. Findings present the findings of the study

6. Citation References APA Style

(at least 8 academic references including books and journal articles)

Your research paper should not be less than 15 pages double spaced, 12 Times New Roman. It will be due on Tuesday May 10th before midnight.

Reference no: EM131049745

Questions Cloud

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How do films and tv shows influence our level of tolerance : How do films & TV shows influence our level of tolerance and respect towards cultural diversity and ethnicity? Analyze at least 5 TV shows and films.
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