Reference no: EM133288753
How do the characteristics/features of Traditional Public Administration (TPA) & New Public Management (NPM) apply to your country/Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs)? Use relevant and real-life examples to support your answer (e.g. examples of how the public sector or ministries is/are organized; examples of public sector reforms and their implications in terms of public management, performance management, and human resource management; examples of public enterprises, privatizations of public enterprises, or private public partnerships, etc.). Reflect on your experience, do research, and ask people around to give you examples.
The essay should include the following be kept within the word limit:
1. Write down the word count in parentheses next to the title . Quality over quantity: write less, but write well and be concise.
2. Identify specific elements/examples that apply, explain the elements/examples so someone who is not familiar with the country or context can understand, clearly and explicitly explain how elements/examples are linked to TPA or NPM, and support your answers with citations or quotes from the course readings.
3. Finally, make sure to explain how the specific elements/characteristics/examples of TPA, NPM or reforms you have identified/presented in your paper fit your country/PICTs' context(s) and what are their pros and cons in this/these context(s), from how well they match the culture, structures, and needs to what are the challenges, pitfalls, or issues/obstacles.