Reference no: EM133679094
Topic: The Erosion of Legislative Authority: How do Executive orders impact congressional Lawmaking?
Instructions: Use the articles below to write a literature review on the topic above.
This is a masters degree paper and so the literature review should be very detailed and well structured. Do not make a list. it should be a well explained and cited with each article.
All the article below should be cited in your literature review. Intext citation of all the articles below
Price DE. Policy Making in Congressional Committees: The Impact of "Environmental" Factors. American Political Science Review.
Rockman, B. A. (1984). Legislative-Executive Relations and Legislative Oversight. Legislative Studies Quarterly, 9(3), 387-440.
Bradley, P. (1958). LEGISLATIVE-EXECUTIVE RELATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES. The Indian Journal of Political Science, 19(2), 93-114.
Peterson, P. E., & Greene, J. P. (1994). Why Executive-Legislative Conflict in the United States is Dwindling. British Journal of Political Science, 24(1), 33-55.
Garber, M. N., & Wimmer, K. A. (1987). Presidential Signing Statements as Interpretations of Legislative Intent: An Executive Aggrandizement of Power. Harvard Journal on Legislation, 24, 363-366
Deering, C. J., & Maltzman, F. (1999). The Politics of Executive Orders: Legislative Constraints on Presidential Power. Political Research Quarterly, 52(4), 767-783.
Edwards, G. C., Barrett, A., & Peake, J. (1997). The Legislative Impact of Divided Government. American Journal of Political Science, 41(2), 545-563.
Canes-Wrone, B., & de Marchi, S. (2002). Presidential Approval and Legislative Success. The Journal of Politics, 64(2), 491-509.
Bolton, A., & Thrower, S. (2015). Legislative Capacity and Executive Unilateralism. American Journal of Political Science, 60(3), 649-663.
Jason S. Byers, Jamie L. Carson & Ryan D. Williamson (2020) Policymaking by the Executive: Examining the Fate of Presidential Agenda Items, Congress & the Presidency, 47:1, 1-31,
Edwards, G. C., & Wood, B. D. (1999). Who Influences Whom? The President, Congress, and the Media. American Political Science Review, 93(2), 327-344.
Edward G. Carmines, & Matthew Fowler. (2017). The Temptation of Executive Authority: How Increased Polarization and the Decline in Legislative Capacity Have Contributed to the Expansion of Presidential Power. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 24(2), 369-398.
FINE, J. A., & WARBER, A. L. (2012). Circumventing Adversity: Executive Orders and Divided Government. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 42(2), 256-274.
Wigton, R. C. (1996). Recent Presidential Experience with Executive Orders. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 26(2), 473-484.
Belco, M., & Rottinghaus, B. (2014). In Lieu of Legislation: Executive Unilateral Preemption or Support during the Legislative Process. Political Research Quarterly, 67(2), 413-425.
Deering, C. J., & Maltzman, F. (1999). The Politics of Executive Orders: Legislative Constraints on Presidential Power. Political Research Quarterly, 52(4), 767-783.
Mayer, K. R. (1999). Executive Orders and Presidential Power. The Journal of Politics, 61(2), 445-466.
RUDALEVIGE, A. (2012). The Contemporary Presidency: Executive Orders and Presidential Unilateralism. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 42(1), 138-160.
Warber, A. L., Ouyang, Y., & Waterman, R. W. (2017). Landmark Executive Orders: Presidential Leadership Through Unilateral Action. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 48(1), 110-126.
Chamberlain, L. H. (1946). The President, Congress, and Legislation. Political Science Quarterly, 61(1), 42-60.
Edwards, G. C. (1978). The President and Congress: The Inevitability of Conflict. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 8(3), 245-257.
Edwards, G. C., & Wood, B. D. (1999). Who Influences Whom? The President, Congress, and the Media. American Political Science Review, 93(2), 327-344.
Howell, W. G., & Pevehouse, J. C. (2005). Presidents, Congress, and the Use of Force. International Organization, 59(01).
Whittington, K. E., & Carpenter, D. P. (2003). Executive Power in American Institutional Development. Perspectives on Politics, 1(03), 495-513.