How do elements of the collective bargaining agreement

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Reference no: EM133334817

Case Study: Human Resource Planning and Job Analysis Case Application 5-B TURNOVER AND MORALE PROBLEMS AT TSA Next time you go through security on your way through the airport, Changes in attendance policies, guidelines for tardiness, and smile and say thank you to the screeners who help you send your the process for approval of sick leave. bags through screening and wave you through the scanner. Low . Revision of how employees bid for shifts, annual leaves, transfer morale runs rampant through the screeners that work at the Trans- policies, and how employees may convert from part-time to full- portation Security Administration (TSA), and odds are that the time. screener you smile at is thinking about quitting." Changes in requirements for uniforms, personal appearance, A recent government report revealed concerns that the low and subsidies for uniforms and parking. morale of the screeners may be a distraction to them on the job and Requirements for personal safety and comfort including workplace may even cause them to be less focused on security and screening temperatures, lighting, ergonomic equipment, and noise levels. responsibilities. About one in five of the nation's 45,000 screeners . Revised dispute resolution process designed to provide fairness quit every year due to low morale, low pay, discrimination, and fear and due process for TSA officers including a revised appeal of retaliation if they complain. Further complicating the morale process for disciplinary actions. problems are the "enhanced" pat down procedures added to screener's job responsibilities in 2010. Screeners report being called Kim Kraynak-Lambert of the AFGE was happy with the "molester, pervert, creep" and much worse by passengers who are agreement, stating "TSOs (Transportation Safety Officers) come understandably upset by being subjected to the pat downs after to work every day in the face of intense public and congressional setting off metal detectors in some airports. scrutiny and, to the best of their ability, protect this nation from TSA employees had a long list of issues they believed con- terrorist attack. Now we can look forward to new rights and tributed to the low morale and turnover including the TSA's pay- new working conditions, and a chance to form a true labor- for-performance system, called Performance Accountability and management partnership." Standards System (PASS), which was widely viewed by employees as unfair and discriminatory to older workers, minor- ities, and

Questions: women. In an effort to gain more control over working

1. How do elements of the collective bargaining agreement conditions, TSA employees voted to allow the American Federa- address job enrichment issues? In what ways might they tion of Government Employees (AFGE) to represent them as a union influence morale and retention? (LO 4) in 2011. In 2012, the AFGE negotiated a collective bargaining

2. Choose a job analysis method or combination of methods to agreement designed to correct the working conditions that TSA begin the process to redesign the TSA officer job descrip employees found objectionable." Terms of the agreement include tions. Why would this be the most appropriate method(s) to the following: analyze the positions? (LO 2, 3)

3. How can well-designed jobs reduce the attractiveness of Replacing PASS with a performance appraisal process that puts union representation for employees? (LO 4) increased emphasis on evaluating officer's performance based

4. Research: What is the current status of AFGE and the TSA? on supervisor observations rather than certification test scores. Has the TSA added elements of job enrichment to the TSO Awards for attendance, outstanding service, leadership, and positions? Will the issues they are currently negotiating lead performance. Additional awards may be established at individ- to job satisfaction? (LO 4) ual airports based on their needs and challenges.

Reference no: EM133334817

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