Reference no: EM133348971
How do each of these sources criticise Anna Julia Cooper? How do they criticise her work Cooper, A. (2017) A Voice from the South: By A Black Woman of the South. DocSouth Books Edition. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina. [Ebook]? What are their analysis and main arguments?
1 - Moody-Turner, S. (2009). A Voice beyond the South: Resituating the Locus of Cultural Representation in the Later Writings of Anna Julia Cooper. African American Review, 43(1): 57-67.
2 - May, V. (2008). "By a Black woman of the south": Race, Place, and Gender in the Work of Anna Julia Cooper. Southern Quarterly, 45(3): 127-152.
3 - May, V. (2004). Thinking from the Margins, Acting at the Intersections: Anna Julia Cooper's A Voice from the South. Hypatia, 19(2): 74-91.
4 - Lemert, C. and Bhan, E. eds. (1998). The Voice of Anna Julia Cooper: Including A Voice from the South and Other Important Essays, Papers, and Letters. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. [Ebook]
5 - Hubbard, L. (2009). When and Where I Enter: Anna Julia Cooper, Afrocentric Theory, and Africana Studies. Journal of Black Studies, 40(2): 283-295.
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How do each of these sources criticise anna julia cooper
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